Chapter 25

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Emma's POV


"Ready for some alcohol?" Jace said.

"I think I'll just stay in the water a little longer." I laid back to semi float.

"Oh no you dont, I'll just bring it over here. I'll be right back.

We've been in the water for about an hour, mainly just quiet and surprisingly it hasnt been awkward at all. I walk back to the shore and head over to Jace.

"I thought you wanted to stay in the water a bit longer? He joked while handing be a beer can.

"What type of future Marine Biologist would I be if I let you bring beer cans in the ocean?" I joked back.

Jace brings back the blancket we left laying by the shore and places it next to me. We sat down on it and drank our alcohol. The beer tastes awful but I chug it down anyways.

"That awful huh? Jack checked.

"Yes." I laughed. before I could say anything else a burp just slips from my mouth and not an ordanary burp like this was a 50 year old binge drinker really loud burp. How embarrassing, I just want to slap myself. "I'm so sorry, it just slipped."

"Its fine, it was actually impressive.".He laughed. "Dont worry I bought you some fruity alcohol."

"That sounds so weak but better than nothing." I shrugged.

He handed me a light pink beer glass. This actually tasted really good, you cant even taste the alcohol in it. After a while of drinking Jace and I start seeing who could tell a funnier joke. Neither Jace or I could say good jokes so we were actually just laughing at how horrible our jokes were, it was ridiculous. It feels like time just stops when I'm around him.

Jace kept on drinking and drinking until he was completely drunk out of his mind. I was drunk but not completely since I wasn't slurring just yet, though since my body doesnt have a good alcohol resistence I am most likely not going to remember a thing.

"Your actually not funny and that is funny." Jace slurred and pointed at me.

"No no no you funnier with no actually funny at all." I said back.

"What?" He laughed not being able to keep still. "That made no sence" He snorted.

"Yeah it did." I frowned.

"Oh baby, don't be sad, I love you." He laughed.

"Did you just say 'I love you' Jace?" Shocked I opened my eyes as big as they could go.

"Of coarse I did babe. You know I love you to the moon and back baby girl." he carresed my cheek.


I start to wake up feeling like a hammer is just banging my head. See this is the reason I dont drink alcohol that much, only when I'm hyped up on adrenaline after race and usually I only have one drink. Fucking fruity beer, sighing I sit up not recognizing where I am or even remember what happened last night. It seems to be a really nice hotel room. My eyes widen as I notice I'm naked with only underwear on and sheets covering the rest of my body.

"Good morning sunshine or should I say wife?" Jace walked in with bags of food.

"Why would you call me wife? And why the hell am I naked Jace!?" I glared at him.

"Well maybe you would like to look at your left hand and your naked because we made sweet love all night." He winked.

I look down at my hand and see a beautiful sapphire ring. No no no! This cant be happening! I've saved my virginity for so long just to lose it to Jace who I've only known not even a year and the worst part, not even remember it. This cant be happening to me right now. Tears of anger flood my eyes and I hysterically throw all the pillows at Jace as hard as I can.

"Say your joking." I threatened.

"Woah! Just chill I cant carry these bags and dodge all the damn pillows." He chuckled. Putting everything on the floor he ran and plopped on the bed superman style.

"You want the truth and only the truth?" Jace grinned.

"Just say it already!" I hollared in frustration.

"Chill baby, alright last night we started drinking and things got a bit more comfy than usual. I'm just going to flat out say it." He sighed, looked down at his hand while playing with his gold ring and looked back up at me. "Emma, I know we havent known each other for a long time but we had a conecction since day one, we've had our ups and downs but at the end of the day we are always there for one another and for me it really means a lot. Emma Camille Rodriguez I love you, your crazy, bi-polar, sweet and lovable ass. Well not your ass only even thought it one of your best traits but I love you as the whole person, who you are." He smiled. "Now I dont expect you to say it back since I know it's a little to soon but don't worry I'll work for it."

"Jace..." I was left wordless.

"Just let me finish. Well after that we made out on the sand, the sun started to set and well we were about to make love until you said that to lose your virginity you wanted to get married first, so I guess that'll explain the rings. We got married and hired the witneses to pretend to be you parents since your not 18 yet. Once we got officially married we came back here, got all naked and fell asleep."

"How do you even remember all of this?"

"Well I may get drunk but I know when to stop so it's not like I get wasted, I actually know what I'm doing." He shrugged.

"I'm just so happy we didnt do anything I'd be regretting right now." I sighed and laid back down.

"Emma Camille Rodriguez you actually don't regret marrying me?" Jace laughed.

"I'll decide that after you show me what you brought for breakfast." I rolled my eyes and smile sincerely at him.

He brought the bags and took out the everything. There were bowls of diffrent fruits, cheese and ham sandwiches, orange juice, a cup of coffee and a bottle of chocolate milk.

"Not bad Jace, let me go brush my teeth and we can stuff our faces with food." I jumped out bed holding the blanket to my chest. "Umm, where are my clothes?" I looked back at him. Jace handed them towards me.

"I already saw you naked sweet thing, but since I want to be respectful here you go." He kissed my forehead. "Now go brush your teeth missy." Slapping my ass he jumped back on the bed.


Jace's POV

Married? This has to be one of the best disicions of my life. Can I really handle being married though? Am I the one for her?

"Whats wrong? You look kinda worried." Emma sat next to me on the bed.

"Nothing I'm fine babe." I smiled.

"If you say so." She said before taking a bite out of a stawberry.

"I have to ask you a question Ems."

"Sure, go ahead." she shrugged.

"Will you be my wife?" I smiled nervously while grabbing her hand.

"I think were past that remember?" She giggled pointing to the ring on her finger.

"No, but really. Now that were all sobered up, do you really want to be with me for the rest of our days? No matter what happens, thick and thin."

"Yes." She got close and landed a peck on my lips.

My inside feel like there going to explode of joy, Damn I sound like girl. I'm so lucky, actually I'm the luckiest man on earth right now! I got my girl all to myself forever. Shes my happiness, my lilttle bit of crazy and most importantly shes my baby.

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