Chapter 10

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Emma's POV


I open my eyes and blink a couple of times noticing that I was no longer in school. I sit up and look around to see I'm in my room. There's a letter beside my dads picture and I look at the clock that says it's 4:39pm. I decide to read the letter so I unfold the letter and read it.

Dear Neighbor,

I brought you to your house since the nurse said I could and because I didn't plan on staying in the nurses office with you all day. Get your shit together and stop fainting all the time, it's really fucking annoying having to take care of you. Also you owe me a new shirt! Start looking for someone else to catch you when your going to fall because I'm surely not going to. I take back my promise since my real reason was to get in your pants but since I don't care anymore.. Well you get the point.

Most dearly -Jace-

I stay stunned at the letter as my body heats up from the anger I have. I crumble up the paper and go straight to Jace's house. I storm out of my house and cross the yard over to his house. I don't even bother knocking on the door and walk right in. The house was enormous inside and well decorated. It looked like a rich kids house. I went upstairs assuming where his room is since its across from mine. I start to hear loud music blasting so I open the door bravely.

"Emma?! What are you doing here?" Jace asked surprised as he turned down his awful music.

"Well Jace I came to say a few things!" My cheeks start to heat up from anger.

"Go ahead but just saying I'm not taking you to the lake party." He laid in his bed and put his hands behind his head as he shuts his eyes.

"Trust me I don't need or want someone like you to take me to a party. Anyways this bullshit letter you left me is ridiculous. I never asked you to take care of me and neither do I need you to! If you ever actually thought that you were getting in my pants your fucking demented. Do you really think you're the last fish in the sea? Boy are you wrong! And here I was waiting to see you all day so I could say sorry for this morning and I get this bullshit letter." I say with an aggravated voice. I throw the balled up letter at him making him open his eyes as it lands on his chest. I walk over to him and reach into my pocket, I throw money at him and start to walk away.

"Have a nice life asshole!" I slam the door behind me and I could hear him calling my name which made me storm down the stairs faster. I feel him tug back on my arm but when I pull from his grip I stubble and fall down a couple of stairs.

"Are you okay Em?!" He yelled as he went running down the stairs towards me.

"Yeah I'm okay don't you see thats just how I walk down your stairs?" I say in a sarcastic way as I sit up from the fall.

"Stop being a smart ass." He stretched out his hand to help me up. "Wait, you're bleeding." Before I could say any thing he picked me up and flung me on his over his shoulder.

"Let me down Jace! I have two feet you know, I can walk on my own!" I here a door open and he sits me down on the sink of his bathroom. He opens a first aid kit that he got from the cabinets below and pulled out some alcohol and a bandaid.

"That shit stings!" I scream as he cures the cut on my arm with alcohol.

"Just shut up you baby." He throws the cotton ball with alcohol and blood away and opens the bandaid.

"What ever happened to 'It's really fucking annoying having to take care of you'?" I tried to imitate his voice when saying the last part making him smile as he place the bandaid on.

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