chapter 11

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you get to the bottom of the stairs and everyone's pretty much gone except for a few making out on the couch. one couple catches your eye. its jonah and stacy. he opens his eyes and stares right at you.

his hair is in complete disorder. its messed up and sweaty. his olive green eyes look straight up at you. you notice they're bloodshot. he's obviously been drinking. without breaking the kiss with stacy, he lets tears fall out of his tired eyes. his cheeks are bright red, but he turns pale writhing a second. he sniffs and breaks away from her. he's crying. jonah stands up brutally and pathetically storms out of the house. you wait a minute and look at stacy. she stands up and gets a drink. its the right moment. you walk out to jonah. he's sitting on the steps with a glass of vodka in his hand.
"jonah" you start. he starts gulping the filled up cup. you bend down to him and grab the drink away from his grasp. he sighs evidently annoyed
"so what? first you take my heart away and now you take what starts to bring it back? what are you trying to do to me?" he says, his jaw clenched forwards and his eyes avoiding your stare.  you sit next to him, look in the cup you just took from him, swirl the liquid around, and take a sip.
"woah. this is some hard stuff, what is it?"
"you like it?"he asked and you shrug "secret recipe of mine."
you both sit in silence. the stars shine bright on you. the dark sky stars to flourish; the sun is coming up.
"what happened up there, we heard you shout." jonah asks without even looking at you.
"well...." you start. you debate with yourself whether to tell the truth or to lie, for daniel's sake. " daniel didn't want to help you. i told him you were getting drunker by the minute but he kept on bringing up the kiss."  a mad look takes upon his face
"wait- wha- you told him about the kiss?!" all of a sudden you regret saying that.
"ye- yeah" jonah stands up and puts his hands on his head.
"what did he say?"
"he didn't get mat, at first, and then when i asked him to help you he kept saying no. and that i was gunna get pregnant with you because we're "friends with benefits" which we aren't i mean it was just a kiss"
"just a kiss?" he scoffs "yeah for you it was JUST a kiss" you groan
"don't start. okay i know it's my fault but it was an impulse of the moment."
"yeah, yeah" he pauses "daniel was always a dick anyways"
just as he says that, daniel opens the front door. you look back at jonah with your eyes wide open. daniel nods.
"great, thanks guys, just what i needed" he pushes past you, his hands in his pockets, gets on his bike and starts cycling.

wc: 508



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