"I'll go." I say, stepping forward.

"No." Daryl and Glenn say in unison.

"I'll be fine, someone needs to do it."

"Then I will." Daryl says.

"If I may," Jesus says, taking a step forward as well. "It would be in our best interest to let her go. They don't kill women without Negans approval, it's his rules. If they disobey it, they die." I smile, knowing the can't turn me down now. Rick hands me the head.

"Be careful, Judith and Sophia still need you." I nod and rub under my eyes, making them red and puffy like I'd been crying, then start to walk to the men. Once they see me, they raise their weapons. I put a horrified face on, once they see me, they stop. I cradle the head in my arms as I approach them.

"Woah there, little lady, whats wrong?" One of the men asks.

"It's just- someone came, t-they killed.." I trail off, but they buy it.

"Who killed who?" The other asks, looking concerned.

"Some group came in and killed Gregory." I say, handing them the head.

"The fuck?" The first man asks as he notices it's not really Gregory.

"The same group that's gonna kill you." I say, stabbing one of the men in the heart. I hear Daryl's arrow fly, then the other man falls to the ground. I pull my knife from the mans heart. He struggle to reach for his gun laying a few feet from him. I grab it and stab him in the temple, finishing the job. We go inside, swarming each room. I go to one room with Jesus and we kill the sleeping men. Once we make it to the third room, I decide to speak. "This feels kind of wrong, Jesus." I whisper, stabbing another men.


"They're sleeping, they don't even know what's happening to them. They don't have a chance to see their families again."

"There's only men here." He tries to reassure.

"Which means there's more." He doesn't answer, knowing I'm right. We finish killing the men in this block and go to the next one. He goes in, but I see Maggie struggling so I run to help her, killing some woman trying to kill her. Maybe this is all the people but they just have men and women separate.

"Brook!" Maggie half scream whispers. I turn around with my knife at the ready but get stabbed in the abdomen. I shriek a little from the sudden pain, but stab the man in his temple. "Let's get you back."

"No, we need to finish what he started." I say, then feel a hard object meet the back of my head. My vision becomes blurry as I fall The the ground. I wake up to cold water being slashed on me. I shiver, then jump in pain as the water makes it way to my open wound. I look down and see the knife gone, blood flowing everywhere. "Fuck!" I shout, trying to move but I got stopped by zip ties on my wrists and ankles. I try to break out of them, having no luck.

"It's no use, doll." An old woman says. I hear moving a few feet away from me, I see Maggie and Carol tied up at as well. Then I see someone on the ground who looks as if they're about to turn.

"What do you want with us?" Carol asks, shivering in fear. The hell is she doing? I don't know her to be weak.

"We just want to kill your men. You kill ours, we kill yours."

Brooklyn Rhee Where stories live. Discover now