Chapter 30

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Charlotte gulped and nodded as she blinked, some of the flashback was fading. She closed her eyes and it suddenly starting playing again in her mind. She was in an out of body experience.

Charlotte was still seizing when they got into the ambulance. The nurse seemed upset and worried. The teacher moved all of the kids back into the classroom and tried to get back to working on the assignment.
Back to Charlotte; the paramedics checked her blood sugar, watched the monitors and placed an IV, setting up for a bag of fluids. They tried to give her a medicine to calm the seizure, so they decided to wait it out. Eventually she began to calm down. She was still out of it and her head hurt so much she started heaving. She turned to the side as she gagged. One of the paramedics rushed to her and lifted the head rest and placing a basin under her chin.

The paramedics focused on watching her vitals and checking her blood pressure. Her eyes closed and open as she was semi-unconscious. When her blood sugar read as twenty-five they grabbed a glucagon injection and cleaned a spot on her arm and cleaned the IV end before pushing the medicine through.
Charlotte began to feel like herself again, way less nauseated and dizzy but she felt pretty weak. She slowly lifted her head as she looked around, her lips and throat dry. She had a blueish grey tint to her skin that began to fade back to color.

She coughed slightly as she snapped back, her eyes opening as she looked around frantically. Post-traumatic stress disorder. She looked at the nurse who seemed worried. She slowly watched as the nurse began to calm her down.

"It's okay Charlie." He murmured. Her eyes opened as she looked at Jason. She was in shock, quickly wrapping her arms around him. "Is Everything okay?" She asked.

Jason nodded. "The nurse called, saying you've been struggling so I came here since it was on the way. Jess is craving cherries so I bought some at the store." Charlotte just nodded as she hugged her brother with the bit of Strength she had left. She felt a sudden feeling of déjà vu. She gulped slightly. Was she going to die in his arms?

Jason sighed as he held his sister and gently kissed her forehead. He began to hum a soft tone as he held her. He smiled slightly as he noticed she was calming down. He noticed the pallor of his sisters skin and the burning from the touch of her skin. "I think it's time we take you to the hospital." He murmured as he glanced at the backpack. "Taylor, call my mom and let her know we are on our way in." He said, a nod in response from Taylor.

He frowned as he picked her up and held her in his arms. He pulled out his phone and called for emergency services. He watched as his sister deteriorated in his arms. He couldn't tell what it was, but he was worried because of the fever. The only possibility was an infection somewhere. He hated that she was so susceptible to infections.

As the paramedics rushed into the room, Jason continued to hold his sister, carefully getting onto the gurney-like table. He grabbed the backpack and watched as the paramedics began to hook her up to the monitors. He noticed  heart rate was high and she was extremely pale. He saw she was also shivering. He closed his eyes, not believing this was actually happening. 'Was this it? Was she dying? It can't be. I can't lose her. Not now. Everything was going so well. Why is she suddenly so sick? Why is my sister... falling... she can't be. No. I can't believe this.'
So many thoughts ran through his mind as he was reminded of the day she was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma. It's been such a long hard fight for her and all he was worried about was if she was comfortable as it was only a matter of time. But it couldn't be it. She can't be dying. It's too soon.

He pushed those thoughts away as he got up and watched as they rushed his sister into the ER. He slowly got himself out of the ambulance and held his head as he paced around. He put his hands on his head as he walked around, slowly leaning against the wall. He coughed slightly before gagging and heaving. He didn't realize how worked up he had got himself to until he was finished emptying his stomach contents on the grass outside of the ER ambulance entrance.

Charlotte's Battle - Jason's RecoveryWhere stories live. Discover now