I accept your challenge

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Since nobody commented on which one they wanted I chose for myself cause I thought you guys deserved an update.

Your pov.

I laid in bed staring at the ceiling wondering why I was such a screwup in life when I heard glass shatter downstairs. I jump up from my bed and teleport to the designated area in which the glass was broken. There I saw my window completely busted and the white curtains flowing from the harsh wind outside. 'Whoever done this is most likely in my house.' I think to myself and I immediately go into alpha mode.
Alpha mode- A name Tyler came up with for when your abilities heighten and you attack anything that makes a sound and destroy it.

I walk through the kitchen stealthy. I listen for any sign of movement. I close my eyes and allow my ears to guide me. Just as I open my eyes I dodge a knife flying at my face. "Alright. You got your point across. Show yourself." I say sternly. "But that would be so...boring. I prefer my prey to not be able to see my face. Besides you'll immediately recognize me the second I walk into the light and I can't have you doing that." A deep male voice says from the darkness.

Unfortunately for him I just so happen to be able to see in the dark. He's fairly large for a human, about the size of the men in my dimension. He has a hood pulled over his head to hide his identity from me. Hmmm...alright. "I can see you. However that hood is obscuring your face so I cannot see it. Remove it." I sat in my queen voice. This is the voice I used to rule my dimension. The voice that struck fear in the hearts of my enemies. So why was it not affecting him? "Sorry your highness. Afraid I can't do that." He says with, from what I can see, a smirk. I growl at his disobedience.

"And why is that?" I say, power flowing in my voice. "Ooo intimidating. Almost made me want to surrender." He says and walks closer. I stand my ground and get in my fighting stance. "The leg spacing, the distance between your fists, the posture. Power is evident in you. However I don't think you can beat me." He says and finally shows his body. Something about him seems familiar but also dangerous at the same time. "Is that a challenge?" I question. He nods his head in response. "Alright then." I say taking a pause walking up to him and getting in his face. "Challenge accepted. Prepare to loose." I say and he smirks.

"If only you knew who I am." He says and looks down at me. I growl in response and punch him in the gut making him double over in pain. "I know not who you are. Nor do I wish to know. However, what I do know, is that you left yourself open. Don't repeat this mistake again or it'll mean sudden death." I say darkly and he straightens up. "Gotta admit. You punch harder than what has been reported. This'll be interesting." He says and charges at me. I jump over his head and flip myself around and kick him in the back while in mid air.

He spins around and grabs my foot while he falls to the floor. 'You go down I go down with you huh? Well that'll change.' I think to myself and kick him in the chin. "Let's make a deal." He says. I stop just as I was about to punch him. "If I win this fight you have to come with me and be queen and do as I say. However if you win, you not only get to know my true identity but I'll be a servant and loyal protector for as long as I shall live." He says looking at me. Or at least his head makes him look like he is. Still can't see past that hood. "Alright. Deal." I say and swing my fist into his face.

He grabs my wrist and slams me into the floor. I jump up and punch him through the wall and into my yard. He gets up and wipes the blood from his mouth. He smirks and in the blink of an eye he's gone. I close my eyes and listen. I can hear the sounds of the air being sliced behind me and I dodge his hand and grab his wrist. I twist it and turn around swiftly and flip him onto his stomach.

He flips me off of him and throws knifes at me. I dodge five of them but the sixth on grazes my cheek and blood trickles down it. I growl and my eyes glow white. "Whoah hey we never agreed to transformations! Although that's quite impressive." He says a bit worried but instantly bounces back with a compliment. "We never decided against them." I say and charge at him. He barely dodges my punches as I hammer relentlessly. "Forgive me for my brutish behavior but I've got some anger I need released." I say and swing my leg up and kick him in the stomach. As he's falling I grab his hair and punch h him in the face. I throw him into the air and jump up and punch him in the stomach. "Uhh ow." He says painfully.

I chuckle slightly. I kick him in the face and knock him back to the ground. I fly down after him and as I'm about to punch him he raises his hands up in surrender. "I give. You're way too strong. As I promised." He says and takes his hood off. I gasp in surprise at who I see.

"How is this possible? You're supposed to be dead!?" I question with a hand over my mouth. Standing in front of me is...

To be continued.  .  .

Sorry cliffhanger I know it's kinda short but it's 12:52 am and I'm pretty tired. Also since thanksgiving was almost an hour ago Happy Thanksgiving, hope you had a great one!

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