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Y'all Ik it's been a while since I updated I'm so sorry about that I've just been very busy and I've been trying to update as fast as possible plus I've had some...relationship..issues so like it's been a bit hard, also I will be making a few new stories I just don't exactly know what yet I have a few ideas:

Bleach-which could be any character you want it to be because this one will be one shots and stuff like that

Byakuya x reader- cause why not

King Arthur x reader from seven deadly sins

Eren x Reader- attack on Titan story

Levi x reader- he will be a wolf and you a vampire

Ichigo x reader- this one will have some mature  chapters

And some other random requests you guys would want.

So whichever one gets the most votes I will write the next chapter should be up in the next day or to sorry for such a long wait.

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