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PAIRING: Dean Winchester x OC!Son Benny



AUTHOR'S NOTE: These next few chapter are just gonna be drabbles. Enjoy!

REQUEST: After you break my heart, can I please have an adorable, fluffy, Dad spending time with Benny drabble?

"Dad? Why do you have so many freckles?" Benny asked, touching each and every spot on Dean's face.

"Because that is how I was born." He replied.

"Why don't I have freckles?" Benny's eyes went cross eyed when he tried to look at his face. Dean laughed at his son.

"That's because your mom didn't have any so you don't either."

"Oh, well I want freckles." Benny climbed out of his dad's lap and went off into his bedroom. Dean sat there confused when Benny strutted back into the room.

Dean burst into laughter as he saw his son had put  orange star stickers on his face to represent freckles.

"How do I look daddy?" he asked, climbing back onto Dean's lap.

Dean had controlled his laughter enough to reply. "Just like me, son."

Benny grinned and so did Dean.

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