♤Uchiha♤ Sasuke

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♥Sasuke POV♥

I woke up by my, soon to be head of company, Itachi. “Finally, your awake took you long enough!” Itachi said. “Mother said to wake you up extra early you start school today.” He said. I looked at him then grabbed my pillow and hid my face with it “Ugggggh okay I'll get ready...” I said.

As soon as Itachi left I got up. I took a shower,  brushed my hair, put some clothes on, and brushed my teeth. I went down stairs to be geeted by my father and mother. “Sasuke I made you breakfast.” I went to the kitchen and ate the food fast. “Thanks for the meal mom!” I said as I was heading out.

I walked all the way to school, it's nice to walk instead of someone driving me to school. I was early at school so might as well check where my classes are at. As I was walking down the halls I saw a few people I know wondering around.

I quickly went to my homeroom class even though the bell didn't ring. No one was in the classro- wait their is someone here. I couldn't tell who it is but it doesn't benefit me in anyway. I went to sit down near the middle row of the class.

The hell rang and I could hear people stomping their way to class. I'm so glad that I went to class early.

I'm sure everyone is here now, they're quite a lot of students here. After about 15 minutes our teacher still didn't show up. “I HEARD IF THE TEACHER DOESN'T SHOW UP IN THE FIRST 15 MINUTES OF CLASS WE'RE FREE TO LEAVE!!” Said some random student.

“C'mon guys don't be like that.” Said someone while entering the class. “Okay guys I'm your homeroom teacher” he said while looking at his book. “This is health class so we will be learning ya know...that type of stuff. Tomorrow you will have a partner of the opposite gender.” He said.

“Oh right, my name is Kakashi Hatake.” said Kakashi. “You guys can get up and talk to each other for today but tomorrow you guys will get to know your partner.” After he said that everyone was beginning to talk. Almost all the girls surrounded me. I ignored them as usual.

“I hope Sasuke-kun is partners with me!” I heard one of the fangirls said. Great I forgot that we have partners tomorrow. I saw someone go up to me. “Oi! Sasuke!” Said a dobe. “Long time no see!” He said practically shouting. “What do you want.” I said. “C'mon let's catch up on things!” he said. I sighed. “Okay fine.”

“I hope Sakura-Chan will be my partner” Naruto said while blushing a little. I looked over at Sakura she was talking to her friends. Then I saw the same girl that was here earlier looking through the window. Does she not have friends in this class..? Wait, I've never seen he in this school before maybe she transferred here. Wait why am I concerning myself with this person.

“Say Naruto why won't you ask Sakura out..?” I said. “Well first of all she hates me, and second of all she out of my league!” Naruto said. “Honestly it would be a lot better to confess than to look at her all weirdly.” I said. “Hmph!” Is all he said.

I could tell this is going to be a great school year...

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