"Yeah," Matt answers. "You've been asleep for a few hours actually."


"Hey ,Lexie, what have you eaten today?" he asks.

"Umm, I had pancakes with Shawn, then ice cream with him later, and then I've had ice cream with you," I explain.

"You can't live off of pancakes and ice cream!"

"Sure I can. I just need a lot of ice cream and pancake mix-"

"What I mean," Matt interrupts, "is that you need to eat some healthy food."

"If you even put a piece of broccoli near me-" I warn.

"No," Matt laughs. "You just need to eat some real food."

"I'm pretty sure pancakes are real since I ate them this morning," I frown.

"Ugh," he groans. "You are too complicated. Just get up so we can go and eat something."

"Heck no!"

"Leeeexiiiieeee, I'm hungry," Matt pouts.

"That sucks," I smirk.

"Ugh, if you get up so we can go and eat, I'll let you choose what we eat," Matt offers.

"And you'll take me to Starbucks after," I add.

"But you can drive yourself," he addresses.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I want to," I chuckle.

"Okay, okay. So can we go now?" he asks.

"Can we get nachos?"

"Yes! You can get anything! Just get your lazy butt out of bed," he nags before walking downstairs

I roll my eyes and trudge out of bed. I walk downstairs and see Matt reading a note.

"I guess everyone left," he explains. "It says that they left to go and eat."

"Ohh. So where are we going to eat?" I ask.

"I don't care, but I think we both know where we should go," he smirks.

"TACO BELL!" we yell in unison.

"Can you drive my car?" I ask. "I really don't feel like driving.. A lot has happened today."

"Yeah, I'll drive," Matt agrees before we walk into the garage. We get into my car and start driving to Taco Bell.

When we get there, I jump out of the car and sprint inside.

"Gosh, stop being so fast," Matt whines.

"I literally had this conversation with Jack J the other day," I chuckle. "And I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Jack; stop being so slow."

"Whatever," he pouts. "Um I'd like to order two nachos please."

I look up and a lady hands Matt and I our nachos. "Thank you!"

We go and sit down at a table and start to eat. "Thank you, Matt."

"No problem," he grins.

"I don't just mean for the nachos, I mean for everything. You've been there for me."

He chuckles. "Honestly, it's not a problem. I mean, what are friends for?"

"I think friends are for taking their friends to Starbucks," I remind him.

"Ugh," he moans. "Do we have to go to Starbucks?"

"Yes! You promised you would," I pout.

"Fine! We can go, but we're going through the drive through," he explains.

"Okay dookay!" I agree.

We finish our food and then ride to Starbucks.

"What do you want?" Matt asks me.

"A java-chip-frappachino," I answer.

He orders our drinks and then hands me mine when they're done.

"Thank you!"

"Ugh, I only did this for you."

"Because you love me," I smirk and he rolls his eyes.

We drive back home and as soon as we walk through the doors, he turns towards me.

"Do you want to finish watching Pretty Little Liars?" Matt asks.

"Sure," I laugh. "But just to let you know, you're a fangirl at heart."

"Hey, I'm not going to deny that," he chuckles.

And then we spend the rest of the night watching Pretty Little Liars.

The Offer That Changed My Life (A Shawn Mendes fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن