Upon reaching the altar, I finally got a look at my Louis. He was looking as handsome as ever in his black tux and slightly messy - sexy looking hair. 

"Hello there." I said as I reached him.

"I love you." He then replied. 

I can't help but smile. I looked behind him and smiled at the boys. They all did their mini waves and I saw Hazza actually tearing up. What a cutie. 

Louis took my hand as he led me up the altar to face the priest. 

"Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Elizabeth and Louis in marriage. In the years they have been together, their love and understanding of each other has grown and matured, and now they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife."

And so it begins. 

The ceremony seemed to fly by so fast. Honestly, I would be spaced out just by looking at Louis. And sometimes, he would catch me looking at him, and he would give me his signature smirk. 

"Only a few more minutes." Louis whispered.

Another thing I was nervous about was the giving of vows. We had to write our own, and honestly I thought mine pretty much sucked. 

Finally, the giving of vows was next. Two mic stands were placed infront of us. I insidely groaned. Louis chuckled before taking my hand.

"You'll be fine." He mouthed to me. 

It was my turn first. 

The priest handed to me the paper where I wrote my vow. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath before telling my final promise to Louis.

"I, Effy, take you, Louis, to be my partner, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know the man you will become, and falling in love a little more each day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us. I promise that for us, time won't be a hurdle for us, because even death won't bring us apart. I promise to be your biggest fan, forever.

I looked at Louis and saw that his face was as calm as the ocean. His face expressed love, truly. I've never seen him look so in love. It was as if he was bewildered by my vow. Then finally, he gave me the sweetest smile.

It was his turn. The priest handed him his paper. He took it, but he was so nervous his hands were shaking.

"Oh boy, how can I even go after that?" He said into the mic. The audience laughed, so did I. Louis will forever be a natural comedian.

Without even looking at the paper because he was looking directly to me, he started to say his vow. 

"I've been to the most beautiful sights in the world. The EiffelTtower, MountRrushmore, the Pyramids of Egypt, but none of them can compare to you. I think that you look absoloutely breathtaking today, and I thought that I should just let you know." He said then winked at me. 

The audience was giggling on how cute this is. Oh Louis.

" We met on a ship, we fell in love in an island, we faced our greatest battle in Savannah and now we are here in the middle of the altar getting married to each other. I know that this may sound like the happy ending, but the truth is, it's just the beginning for us. And I promise that I'd be there from the very beginning. And I promise that there will be no end. I promise that after we walk out of this place, that I will lift you up, kiss you like crazy, spin you around and do that to you everyday of our lives."

I can't help it, I am starting to tear up. 

"I promise that I will unconditionally love you, everyday of forever." 

Right then and there, I wanted to kiss him, badly. I feel like fleeting with so many different emotions. But the most evident was joy. 

The next part was the exchange of rings. We both said the same thing while putting the rings on each other's fingers. 

"This ring is a token of my love. I marry you with this ring, with all that I have and all that I am."

It was that simple. I looked at the gold ring being slipped into my finger. It looked amazing. 

Then this was it, the moment we have been both waiting for. 

The priest took the microphone. 

"With the power vested in me, I now proclaim you husband and wife."

Oh my holy lord, I am now Mrs. Louis Tomlinson. 

"Young lad .. " he faced Louis. "You may now kiss your bri --"

Without even letting the priest finish, Louis grabbed me on my waist and pulled me closer to him. He then landed his lips on mine, and kissed me ever so passionately. I returned the favor by kissing him back, lacing my arms around his neck. 

I heard wolf whistles and cheers coming from the crowd. Finally after retracting from our kiss, we waved to the boys, to my girls, to my family and to the guests. We then made our way down the aisle until we exited the venue. 

I then immediately faced Louis and hugged him. "Oh my god Louis, we did it. I mean, finally here we are. I mean .. "

"Just let me pick you up, spin you around and kiss you like crazy, Mrs. Tomlinson." 

Just before he did so, I can't help but giggle. "Mrs. Tomlinson .. I absolutlely love the sound of that." 

Just like what he said, he picked me  up, spun me around and kissed me all at the same time. 

"Who would have thought being abandoned by a ship would lead to a love beyond the sea?" I said looking up to him.

He smiled and kissed me on my forhead.

"I didn't, but I'm glad it did." 

I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him once more. 

"Me too, Louis. Me too."

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