chapter 8

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Kenzie's POV

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Kenzie's POV

I was walking through the halls of the castle when I saw Jessica snooping through my mother's things.

"Jessica. Get away from that!" I yelled then snatched the necklace from her hand.

"What? It's just some stupid locket." She scoffed.

"You have no right here. Get out." I commanded.

"You have no say in that." She said.

"I do. You're nothing but a mistress. A whore. What am I? I AM YOUR FUTURE QUEEN!" I yelled.

"No you aren't. I will be your queen. That hideous father of yours will make me queen."

"No one will ever want a whore as a queen."

"Then why do they like you as queen? After all, you did dirty with Sir Johnny."

"That's it. Get the hell out. GUARDS!" I yelled then they dragged her out.

"Mackenzie? What is going on?" My mother asked as she ran into the room.

"Jessica was trying to steal this. I know how much it means to you." I said, handing it to her.

"Thank you. What exactly was she doing?" She asked.

"Disobeying so many rules. Not obeying me, burglary, trespassing. I bet that baby isn't even father's." I said.

"Most likely isn't." We laughed as we sorted the jewelry.

"MACKENZIE! MELISSA!" I heard my father yell in anger which startled me. "What right did you have to make a guard take Jessica away? She said you were bullying her."

"Bullying? Far, far from that." I said and gave a glare to Jessica with a smirk. "She was trying to steal from my mother. She had the nerve of talking back to be. Not obeying very simple demands. Wasn't going to tell anyone since she's pregnant then admitted saying she would become queen. Not me. Also calling me a whore. Isn't that right Anna?" I asked the servant who was listening and watching every move.

"Yes Your majesty. I heard everything. Loud and clear." Anna told the truth.

My father turned around to Jessica and she had her fake plastered puppy eyes. "GUARDS!" He yelled and they took her by each arm. "Take her to the dungeon. Once the baby is born. Make sure she confesses it's not mine. If it is, bring it to me." He demanded and Jessica was dragged to the dungeon. "Oh darling. Did she hurt you?" He asked me.

"No father." I said then I went to the garden to read more. It's something I hate yet just am addicted to.

"You're out here again I see." Hayden said. To me as he approached me.

"I've had enough drama in this morning." I said.

"I'm not here for drama. I'm here to talk." He said making me look up at him. "Johnny."

"Nope. I'm done with him." I said as I got up.

"I know you love him!" He called out, making me rush back to him.

"You don't know anything. I don't love him. I love my country. I'm not gonna flee from my duties because I love someone, not like my sister. I don't care about love, just heirs and power. So refrase what you just said." I yelled then walked away.


I was just sipping tea and eating a biscuit when my ladies came. "Mackenzie." They curtsied then sat beside me.

"I'm guess you spoke with someone?" Lexi said.

"Is it that obvious?" I scoffed.

"Very. Now-oh wait. I just got something. You're in love with Sir John." Lexi almost screamed.

"I am not. I don't love unless it's blood." I said then stood up. "It's quite a boring day today. I'll be talking to some people in our court. Mostly going to be in a tower learning how to protect myself." I said then left.

I was already amazing at archery, but need a bit of help with a sword.


After practice, I went to eat. My ladies and I then went to the villages for a stop.

Once we were finished, we went to the castle again, and my father and I were talking about the future of our country, especially since he's going to war and we have to be prepared.

"Father, I know you may not like this, but, I spoke to my sister." I said to him.

"When? How? What?" He freaked.

"It's a long story. But, I miss her father. I know you never had the perfect relationship with her, but I'd like to visit France." I asked.

"No. You will not. It's not because of your sister, but too many wars are going on in our time right now, I don't wanna loose another daughter." He said then we went back to talk.


As I was brushing my hair, there was a knock on my chamber door.

"Come in!" I yelled, regretting I said that just a few moments later. "What do you want?" I asked him.

"I want to talk." Johnny Orlando

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