Spencer half smiled, "th-th-this is great," Artie looked at Spencer then towards Mr Schuester, "people who can't hear what they're singing and criminals who don't care," Artie looked up at Brittany, who smiled at him, "it's gonna be a cakewalk,"

Brittany high fives Santana when she moves out of Spencer's embrace, "high fiv.." Artie frowned before Spencer leaned over Brittany and high fives Artie.


"competition.." Mr Schuester turns away from the new directions looking at the poster on his wall, "every one of these people or elements was a champion in their own right,"

Mr Schuester pinned a lightening bolt to the board, "but they used competitions with each other to make themselves even better,"

Kurt looked at Mr Schuester, "i don't understand how lightening is in competition with an above-ground swimming pool," Mr Schuester looked at Kurt, "just go with it,"

"you guys have become complacent," Mr Schuester looked at them, "you were great at the invitational, but you got to up your game if you want to get through sectionals,"

Finn yawns, "okay, split up," Spencer looked at Santana with a frown, "guys on the left side, girls on the right side," Spencer moved away from his girlfriend towards Mike and Matt.

no one else moved, "let's go, come on," Mike bro hugged Spencer, "all right," Mr Schuester watched as Kurt walked towards the girls, "Kurt.."

Kurt faces Mr Schuester, "boys side," Mercedes, Brooke and Tina watched as Kurt frowned before going beside Spencer when the three girls chuckled, "here's the deal,"

Mr Schuester smiled, "two teams, boys versus girls," Mr Schuester points at the boy the towards the girls, "one week from today, you will each perform a mash-up of your choice,"

Spencer smirks at his girlfriend who sent him a smirk along with Brittany and Quinn, "what's a mash-up?" Mr Schuester looked at Puck, "a mash-up is when you take two songs and mash them together, to make an even richer explosion of musical expression,"

Mr Schuester points at them, "boys will perform on tuesday, girls he next day," Mr Schuester points at both teams, "i want you guys to go all out, okay, costumes,"

Spencer frowned when he saw Mercedes smirk, "choreography," Spencer was now the one to smirk at Mercedes, "whoever wins the competition gets to choose the number that we do for sectionals,"

Rachel raised her hand, "wait, who's going to be the judge?" Spencer furrowed his eyebrows, "your gender makes you biased,"

"ah.." Mr Schuester half smiled, "there is going to be a celebrity judge," he walks past them, "wh-who?"

Mr Schuester smiled at the boys, "oh, you're going to have to show up to find out," Mercedes looked at the girls, "we've got this in the bag," Mercedes linked her arm with Brooke's, "totally,"

Mr Schuester and the new directions boy watch as the girls walk out, "hey," Mr Schuester comes towards them, "i hope you guys are up for this competition, the girls looks pretty pumped,"

Artie looked up at Mr Schuester, "we're planning on smacking them down like the hand of god," Spencer smirked when Mr Schuester smiled, "hey, Finn, Spencer, you guys alright?"

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