Chapter 6: Proof

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               We walked in silence. When we got to the stable, Mom was taken aback. 

               "Sweetie, what are you doing?" my mom asked. I think she had a pretty good idea on what I was about to do. 

              "Proof." I responded. My dad was right, I am a very stubborn girl. I stopped at Windy's stall. "Ok, First I will stroke her muzzle only once. Then you will stroke her muzzle once, ok?"  

             "Emily, are you sure?" she asked cautiously.

            "Positive." Then, I stroked her nose. She didn't flinch."Okay, your turn."

           She reached out. She had her fingers on Windy's muzzle for about a half of a second before Windy whinnied and backed up.


         "Relax mom, you're fine. I don't get it though, why did she freak out?" I asked."Look mom don't be scared but just stand back and try not to scream, ok?"

         "Why, what are you doing?" she asked for the like, third time today.

          Without answering, I stepped into the stall. I was so confused. Why DID Windy freak-out? Whatever, I could ponder that all day. I stroked Windy a couple times, with my mom in dismay, and then somehow, somewhy, if that's even word (which it probably isn't) simply got onto Windy's back. She hardly flinched. I squeezed her and she ran out of the stall. I heard my mom scream, but it didn't matter. I was riding! Really riding! I loved the feel of the wind in my face, all the trees rushing by, I loved all of it. I held on to Windy's mane. She finally started to slow down. My mom was rushing after me, and so was my dad. Even little Alexis was running after them.

        "Emily! Are you okay?" my mom asked. 

        "Yeah, mom I'm fine! It was awesome! Windy's is the best! And guess what, I was right! Windy is not dangerous! Except for the fact that she spooked at your hand in the stall, which is weird 'cause I could touch her, but still!"  I rambled.

    "Honey, let's go inside. We have a lot to discuss." my dad said quietly.

    Now I was REALLY confused.    


 Author's Note: So the whole qoute thing didn't work out, but I started a new book based on the Amazons, a female warrior tribe. I would love it you checked it out and commented and voted on it too! Hope you like it!


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