Chapter 5: The will

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            "It's somewhere in here.." my mom said. She was rummaging through one of the boxes that she thought contained my aunt's will.

           "Don't you two know what time it is?" my dad said as he came into the living room. he had just gotten back from fixing some of the fences. "It's time for Emily to go to bed." he said to mom.

          "But Tristan, I'm trying to prove to Emily that Windy is untamed! I need to find that will!"

          "Just do it tomorrow, please, Emily needs to go to bed."

         " Alright fine. Night, Emily." my mom said.

          "Night." I said. I really did not want to go to bed. I wanted to prove to Mom that it was just a mistake and Windy was a perfectly fine horse and there is a logical explanation to why she doesn't compete.  But, too bad so sad, I had to go to bed. 

                  **************************The next day*******************************

           I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the soft rays of sunshine on my face. I sighed in content and completely forgot that today I had business to take care of...for about seven seconds. "You are going to do this!" I whispered to myself. I got out of bed, got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. "Uh oh." I thought to myself. When I came downstairs I saw Mom with a triumphant look on her face.

         "I was right." she said.

        "About what?" I said, even though I was pretty sure I knew the answer.

        "About Windy. Look here in the will."

        She showed the will. There, clear as day, I saw what I feared most.

          "One of my horses, Windy, is completely untrained. Whatever you do, DON'T go into the stall that she is in, Let alone touch her. Even I wasn't able to train her. I repeat she is dangerous don't go near her. "

          "But mom, I'm telling you, she's fine!" I was bewildered. What is going on? Was I hallucinating? There was only one way to find out. "Hey, mom? Can you come with me for a second? I want to show you something in the barn."

          "Sure honey, what is it?" my mom asked.

         "Come see."


     Author's Note: Hi guys! I have some BIG news. I'm going to be starting a new book! It is going to be a quote book because quotes are one of my biggest passions. Please go check it out. Bye!





The Connectionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें