Chapter Four: Like a married couple?!

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I have been taking care of Shadow for two days and everybody has already been teasing me about my outfits and how seem like a married couple, they say since we argue a lot. "Shadow eat the pancake!" I whimpered as I tried to feed him a piece is pancake I had on the fork. Shadow turned his head and kept his mouth closed. I sighed and crawled onto the couch and poked his cheek. "Shadow, eat the pancake! You need to eat to build up your strength!" I said with flat ears. I truly felt like a girl at he moment, begging Shadow to eat and wearing this outfit.

I was wearing a red strapless shirt with a pair of black shorts. "Why do I have to eat the pancake?" He asked while crossing his arms. "Because you need to heal and because I said so!" I said as I stuffed the pancake in his mouth. I pulled out he fork and I smiled. Shadow started eating the pancake, he was upset while he did so. "Now go ahead and eat this without my help, and why do I have to wear these clothes!?" I asked. Shallow smirked at me as he continued eating "You have a woman's body and they make you look cute." Said Shadow as he ate another piece of pancake.

I blushed and stood up, do I really look that good in women clothing?! I ran to the bathroom and looked myself over, with a sigh I walked back out and sat down on the couch next to Shadow. "Shadow, how about a walk through the park?" I asked hopefully to get him to move around. "Yeah, I guess that's a good way to get moving again." Said Shadow as handed me his empty plate. "Ok, I'm going to go change the we can go." I said as I took the plate and put it into the sink.

Shadow shook his head. "Why won't you keep that on?" He pouted playfully. At first I thought he was just teasing me but as he kept calling me cute I felt like he was hitting on me. "I'm not that kind of hedgehog!!" I yelled without thinking. Shadow raised and eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" Questioned Shadow. I shook my head quickly as I collected my thoughts. "Nothing, I will keep the outfit on!" I said with a blush on my face. "Okay?" Said Shadow as he attempted to sit up.

I ran quickly to his side and helped him up, I was used to helping him do certain things and this was one of them. "Don't strain yourself Shadow, to much bending isn't good." I said in a concerned voice. He nodded and let me help him up, I've noticed that he's been very cooperative since he's gotten hurt. I also noticed that I found myself naturally being by his side even without thinking. "Thanks Faker." He said as struggled to stand. I rolled my eyes and smiled, yeah he's just teasing me he isn't hitting on me.

He walked over to the door, I smiled as I watched him because I could tell his walk was improving. I opened the door and held it for him as he walked out. I walked out behind him and we headed down the sidewalk to the park, it wasn't very far and I wanted Shadow to move a bit so he doesn't get stiff. As we walked I thought more and more about asking Shadow how he got shot like that, however when I tried to ask only air came out of my mouth, no words.

I just decided to just forget about it and kept walking next to him, we were almost at the park. I was about to walk in until I heard whistling, I turned around and saw Amy and Shallow. I blushed and walked over to Amy and Shallow. "Amy, what's with getting me all these female clothes?!" I asked in an embarrassed tone. "Well I choose the clothes but Shallow came up with the idea." Giggled Amy. "Yep and it's amazing how well they fit you, for a male hedgehog you sure do have some curves." Snickered Shallow.

"C-curves!" I said as I flashed red. Amy and Shallow laughed and then took on a serious face. "But on the serious side, I'm really thankful that your taking care of Shadow. You know him being your rival and all and me being to busy to help, I'm sorry if he's a burden Sonic." Said Shallow as she bowed. I found t amazing how Shallow could be teasing me a couple of seconds ago but now was being serious and thanking me. I nodded and shrugged. "He's actually been working with me a bit, so dot worry." I said as I began to walk in the park. I looked back to see if Shallow and Amy were coming. They smiled at me and walked into the park after me. We walked in and saw Shadow walking a bit past the lake, we ran and caught up with him.

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