Chapter Eleven: Hung up

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"I'm not in love with Shadow, that's gay... And I'm NOT gay!" I mumbled into my pillow. "But you liked it when he was rubbing on your waist." Said a familiar voice. I quickly pulled my head from out my pillow and looked for the owner of the voice. "Now I'm hearing things..." I said looking back at my pillow. When I did my emerald green eyes met ruby red ones, like Shadow's... but these were soft and feminine.

"Ah!" I stumbled off my bed panting. "What's wrong Sonic? It's me Shallow." She laughed lightly. "W-what are you doing in my room?!" I yelled turning lightly pink. "Hm, you mean you haven't seen me this whole time? I was there when you were making out with my big bro. You were all like 'S-shadow I don't think I'm ready~' and he was like 'You've always been ready~" Shallow mimicked our voices in sexy tones.

"S-Shut up!" I yelled blushing deep red. She continued laughing as she stood up walking to me, she put a shoulder on my hand and her cute laugh faded into a serious glare. "S-Shallow..." I looked at her shivering. She was as terrifying as Shadow, maybe even worse. "Sonic, are you scared?" She looked at him her glare slowly softening. "Scared of w-" "Judgement, what the world wants you to be?" She interrupted me.

"What..." I was confused by what she meant and wanted her to explain. "Tsk, naive. What I mean is your scared of what people might think of you if you were gay. Now tell me, are you scared?" She looked at me with her sweet ruby eyes, they wanted to know my answer. "Yes... if I were in love with Shadow... people wouldn't have the same respect they had for me at first..." I admitted how I felt to her, tears forming in my eyes.

She wiped away my tears and then smiled, "That's not true, be what you are and be proud about that. And whoever has a problem to hell with them, because you have a right to love who you love!"

"It's too late for that now, I told Shadow I hated him." I whispered. "My bro's just like you, he never gives up on what he wants that easily." Shallow laughed and started walking out. "W-wait does that mean I should go to him!?" I stumbled out my room trying to catch up with her but she was already gone. I thought about what she said and took a deep breath as I ran out my door and down the street, I had to get to Shadow.

I skillfully dodged people and cars as I ran towards Shadow's house, I was going so fast that everything around me seemed as if it weren't moving. I started slowing down as I was in sight of Shadow's house, I did one finally speed boost as I appeared in front of Shadow's door. I felt my legs go numb and my arms felt like noodles, I started hesitating to knock. I rose my arm but soon dropped it and turned away, I started walking away slowly.

"Sonic come on and knock, do it for Shadow." I heard Shallow purr. I looked around for her and soon found her on top of the roof, "Shallow I'm scared." I whined to her. She gave me a thumbs up as I noticed Shadow's front door opening. "Sonic... who are you talking to?" Asked a confused Shadow. "I-I'm talking to Shallow!" I pointed to the top of the roof but she was gone. "Hm... Shallow? My little sister, she's dead." He said looking at me with utter confusion.

"D-dead... no I talked to her!" I whined. Shadow walked out to me and brung me into a loving hug, I started to tear up as I held him close in the hug. He pulled out the hug lightly and lifted my chin so I could look at him, "Sonic I love you, but you might be going crazy." I blushed and nuzzled his hand, "I know I saw her." I pouted as I looked up to him.

Shadow laughed and stroked my head, he didn't believe me. I pouted more and moved his hand and pulled him close to me and kissed his lips deeply, even if he didn't believe me. I was still going to follow Shallow's advice, I licked his lips lightly and pulled out the kiss. Shadow had wide eyes as he blushed softly, "Sonic I thought you didn't like me."

"I don't like you, I freaking love you." I grinned grabbing his hand. Shadow smiled and stroked my hand lightly, he spun me around and then quickly picked me up bridal style. He took me inside his house and closed the door as he puts down on the couch and climbed on top of me. My face lit up light pink as I felt his tongue trailing down my neck, he started stroking my legs. He was horny I could tell, but I wasn't going to run this time.

"A-ah~ Shadow~" I moaned happily, I was all his now.

Bitter rivalry or Sweet love? (Sonadow)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang