Chapter One: The fight

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Sonic's Point of view

It was a early Saturday morning, the sun was just rising and the grass was wet with dew. I could hear birds chirping and grasshoppers making the annoying yet somehow pleasing noise. I was laying in a tree enjoying the cool morning breeze and the amazing scenery. I was very relaxed and calm, I felt like this was the only time I could let my guard down.

Just as I sighed I felt I was being watched from above, I looked up and a fist hit my face. I stumbled out if he tree. "What the heck!?!" I yelled as I looked up at the figure that delivered the blow. It was a black and red hedgehog with red eyes. "Damn it Shadow!" I shouted as I stood up. He just laughed and jumped out of the tree. "What's wrong Faker?" Laughed Shadow. "Hm I don't know, maybe it's the fact that you just jumped down from a tree and punched me in the face!?" I complained.

After we left Chris's world and came back to our own, Shadow has been teasing me a lot. I have to admit its really annoying, he's like the new Amy! Since everyone matured a bit. Amy stopped chasing me, she even got a boyfriend. I have to admit I'm happy for her and kinda upset she gave up on me. Tails and Cream got together, and so did Knuckles and Rouge. I don't really want a girl on my back now because I'm not ready for the drama that comes with it.

Shadow walked up to me. "Wow Faker, you've become really slow." Said Shadow as he crossed his arms and shook his head. As the world slow hit my head my eye twitched and I looked at Shadow, I stood up. "DON'T EVER CALL ME SLOW!" I yelled as I spin dashed into him. Shadow flew back from the impact and hit the tree. "Well looks like a struck a nerve." Said Shadow as he moved out of the bark in the tree, he had left his body print on it. Shadow smiled and began to charge at me. We went back and forth as we spin dashed into each other repeatedly.

We stopped and both glared at each other. We were so close to one another that our foreheads touched. I was pissed but I'm pretty sure Shadow was enjoying himself. I backed up and kicked Shadow. He dodged it and punched at me, but I was able to dodge his punch. We went back and forth punching and kicking at each other. We weren't getting anywhere in the fight but I wasn't backing down. I went for another punch but Shadow pimp- slapped me. I was pretty shocked, that was a dirty move!

"Whoa Shadow, that was a cheap shoot." I growled as I rubbed my cheek. "Alls fair in love in war." Smirked Shadow. I titled my head in confusion, what did he mean love? "Then you mind me interrupting." Said an unknown female voice. It was echoing from behind me, so I turned around and looked back. It was a hedgehog just like Shadow except she had waist length black hair. She was wearing a black grey tank top with a heart with an arrow though it. She also had black capris and grey converses.

"What's up sis?" Asked Shadow. I looked back at her, she did look like Shadow but with softer features. "I came to get you for a mission for G.U.N, Rouge and I are waiting." She smiled softly. Shadow smirked at me before walking off. Before she could walk off I grabbed her arm, she turned around and smiled. Her features were so soft it was hard to believe that she was related to Shadow. "Oh I'm sorry for being rude, I'm Shallow the hedgehog. Shadow's younger sister." She said sweetly. (She is an OC) "Sonic, Sonic the hedgehog." I said cockily. She smiled and looked back. "Sonic I'm sorry but I must be going." She waved as she ran off. I'm still finding it hard to believe that she is his little sister.

I shrugged and walked off myself.

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