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The New York City weather immediately makes me get goosebumps from not wearing a thicker coat.

My lip quivers from the cold as I immediately speed walk into the coffee shop.

I take in a sharp breath as I look at all the coffee choices I could get.

I gulp as I walk to the counter to order my mocha frappe.

"Nice to see you again thalia, mocha frappe?" The man says already knowing my order from coming here everyday.

"hello, and yes." I say while pulling out my five dollar bill.

I hand him the five dollar bill as he grabs the receipt and leftover change.

He gives me a smile as I start walking to my table at the corner.

I take out my book from my bag and start reading.

The waiter starts walking to my corner and hands me my mocha frappe.

"thanks" I barely let out.

I let out a sigh before I take a sip of my cold mocha frappe.

I look back to my book but instantly turn my head to a ding noise.

The bell rings from the door as the sound makes me cringe.

A boy walks in with a beanie with little caramel brown hairs sticking out. He matches it with a black coat and some adidas pants.

My eyes follow him as he walks to the counter and places his order.

He smiles at him as he hands back the extra change. With the extra change the boy got he put it into the tip jar.

The man smiles at him and most likely says thank you.

I scoff at the sight of him being so generous and nice.

No one is perfect but this boy sure does seem perfect.

I look back to my book and start thinking about that boy.

The way he smiles just makes you wonder how god made him. The way he looks so gorgeous.

I get interrupted from my thoughts as I hear a masculine voice.

"hello" he says with a smile. He starts to pull out the chair across from me and sits down.

"um, hello" I say more like a question.

Who said he could sit with me. I like being alone, that's how I like it and that's how it always will be.

"I saw you looking at me" He says with a chuckle.

God his laugh is precious. His teeth are so white, if you stare at them for too long you'll go blind.

"I was observing" I say slouching in my seat.

"That's cute" He says with a smile.

I have a loss of words.


The hell he doesn't even know my name and he's already flirting with me.

"Um okay" I say with a scoff.

"What's your name? I'm Grayson" he says pulling his hand out for me to shake.

"Thalia" I say declining the handshake.

He brings down his hand and acts like I didn't just decline his handshake.

"That's a nice name, I'll call you lia for short" He says with yet another smile.

"After this day we probably won't ever see each other again so there's no point of nicknames." I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"Gee, such a buzz kill." He says with a light laugh.

If looks could kill right now he'd be dead.

He notices my stare and immediately gulps.

I break out a little smile on how awkward this got.

He looks back up at me and smiles even more.

"Bye Grayson" I say picking up my stuff and getting out of my chair.

"Bye lia!" He says before I walk out the door.

Today I didn't feel as lonely.


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