2. Reunion

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Note: There are references to my other Nyssara Story "Rescued" in here so I'm not trying to plug my own stuff but like here I am so yeah if you haven't read that yet, some of this story won't make as much sense as it would so anyway...I'm not sure about this story tbh but if y'all want more then I'll keep adding to it. Enjoy :D


Sara makes her way to the coordinates where Felicity sent her. She knows to approach carefully because if Nyssa has a new League, there will be scouts.

Her heart is racing uncontrollably as she thinks about seeing Nyssa again. She had imagined going to see her again many times but never followed through. She wishes that she had gone, because then maybe Nyssa wouldn't be in this situation. But if she would've gone, she might not be with Ava. Maybe things would've all been different...

Sara doesn't know what to do. Does she sneak in? Or does she get caught by the scouts and get led to Nyssa. She thinks that's easier than guessing where she is.

Sara steps out from the shadows to gain the attention of a scout. For some reason, they do not see her...

These guys are such noobs. How do they not see me?

Sara walks in closer and then finally they raise their swords to her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I am Ta-er al-Sahfer. I was a member of the League from Nanda Parbat."

The man seems surprised that this beautiful blonde woman was an assassin.

"I must take you to the Head."

"Please do."

Sara is led through the halls of the new stronghold by three members until they stop outside of a room.

Two members stay with Sara while the other enters the room to announce the trespasser.

He returns and leads Sara in what can only be described as the throne room.

Nyssa sits in her throne with two women dressed in League attire standing at her sides. Sara notices that Nyssa's long hair had been cut short.

"I knew they would call you," Nyssa says as she stands up slowly, her robes falling gently.

"Nyssa, what happened to you?"

Nyssa slowly walks to Sara with her face stone cold. She leans over to whisper something in Sara's ear.

"It's Ra's al Ghul, to you," she growls. She steps back. "You will kneel before me."

Nyssa waits for Sara to kneel, but she doesn't waver.

"I like the new hair. It suits you."

Nyssa draws her sword and points it at Sara's chest. "I said to kneel!" she yells with fire in her eyes.

"Nyssa, this isn't you," Sara says.

Nyssa gives her scouts a nod. They go to kick the backs of Sara's knees and push down on her shoulders so she would kneel.

"You won't defy me again, Ta-er al-Sahfer," she snarls.

"Is this any way to treat your Belovèd?"

Nyssa scoffs. "You are not my Belovèd," she says as she turns to walk back to her throne.

"I'm not? Do you still have the heart I made you?"

Nyssa stops in her tracks, but does not turn around.

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