the moment it all change

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It's has been hours since Cora and Boyd escape....more like set free thanks to Alison. We have been trying to track them down  and ever second that passed was a sec filled with fear..

"Derek....." I said more like a whisper  , but still he hears me as he looks back at me I'm guessing I look pale are something cause he walked to me and place his right hand on my cheek, 

"Nadia its going to be ok, we're going to find them" he said. "but..but Erica.." My vision was getting blurry I'm guessing I was crying, when I felt strong arms around me holding me tight as I heard him talking to someone I think Scott.
Derek:" You lost them??" He sight "that wasn't exactly the plan" he continued as i waited   "look we're the entries of the reserves, can you meet us here?

After Scott meet up with us we started running again trying to track them down hoping that we could stop them this time as we then stop when we find a trail.

Scott:" Is it them??"

Derek "we're not the only ones that decide to stick together"

Scott:" Is that going to make it easier or harder to catch them?"

Derek:" I don't know" he said as he looks around, I was trying to see if I could hear something . But nothing Scott was right they are moving to fast for us and I'm not completely ok to change into a full wolf yet. So this is going to be hell.

Scott:" Derek..i saw Boyd try to ripped to little kids apart, are they going to do that to everyone they find?" I stare at Scott. I already know that answer but I don't want say it when I hear Derek.

Derek:" Everyone and anyone" he said as once again he grabs my hand and we start walking again, note to self talk to Derek I'm not a little girl or a pet for him to be draging me everywhere.

We ran all the way to the cliff where we stop for some seconds but it felt like hour as I remember, Derek..derek carrying Erica body, how we found her, how I felt I mean I dint like her but, I did care for her she was pack, she was family and seeing her like this I felt like one of my finger or arm had been ripped out of me...i can only image how Derek felt. When he saw her. When he picked up her corpse and walk back to Scott and Alison.. She was gone and all we had was memories and pain to remembers of her, memories, pain. And a will to kill those who hurt her at least I did. As I heard Derek called me and shoke my hand a little for us to continue the search. I quitely said my good byes as we then continued the hunt.

I smell a small fire while we run ."do you guys smell that?? Wait if we smell it does that mean they did too?"

Derek:" Run faster we have to catch them their before anyone gets hurt" 
Scott's nodded as he runs ahead of us,(where did he gets that strength to go faster then an alpha??) I thought as Derek and I were left behind

We then final got to the point to see Isaac and Scott against Cora, their was a human girl there but she didn't matter right now she was safe as we tried to Conner Cora we all roar to see if she would listen. But instead she run and so we run after her.

After some min, guess what. Yes we lost her again. At the same moment we stop to see if there's any train Scott gets a call from stiles telling him theres a dead body at the pool that Lydia found by that way.

Derek:" This doesn't make any sense.. The public pool is half way on the other side of town, we haven't tracked then anyway near there"

Scott:" Derek they killed someone"

Derek:" How are they moving do fast?? They and be moving so fast"

Scott:" Derek they killed someone, a person innocent person Derek and its our fault" 

Derek Hale's past comes to life... and the future will die again?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat