𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞.

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After she left the police station, her mother drove her home in silence. She was probably worried that Minhee might commit suicide if she drove by herself. The girl was emotionally drained. Tired. At this point, she was indeed tired of living.

She wished Chan hadn't left her. She wished that this was all a dream that she could magically wake up from, and everything would go back to the way it was before. Where tomorrow she would wake up from this nightmare, and see Chan jumping on her bed to wake her up for school, and she would hit him with a pillow and get up. He would ask her why she was crying. She would tell him that it was just a nightmare. And he would give her the same tight hug that he always would when she needed to feel better.

She felt even worse after imagining this. It made her miss him even more. She stayed silent and stared out the window, stray tears rolling down her cheeks.

When she got home, she immediately went up to her room, closing the door behind her. She laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling covered in plastic, glow in the dark stars. When she and Chan would have secret sleepovers, they would lay together and make up fake constellations with those stars. Oh god, she missed him so much. She closed her eyes for a moment, but fell into a dreamless sleep.

However, she was woken quickly after that by a hand on her shoulder, and a voice inside her head. "Wake up, sleepyhead. I've gotta talk to you."

She knew that voice better than all the others in the world; The voice belonged to Chan.

When Eunbi got home, she immediately went to her studio, and turned to a blank page in her sketchbook, and pulled out a recent picture she had taken of Changbin. She bit her lip to stop the tears as she looked at it, and blinked them away, turning the picture over so she couldn't see his face anymore. She pulled out her pencils, and got to work.

She took extra care in the details of his face, making sure it was perfect. She restarted countless times, because this drawing mattered more than all the others. As she sketched, she was overwhelmed by the memories flooding into her mind. Memories of Changbin sitting beside her as she sketched a flower in Terabithia. As they laid together outside on a cold night, and they shared a blanket. When they first confessed their feelings to each other three days ago, crying with happiness as they tightly embraced.

She smiled. The memories together were sweet and warm, but fate was bitter and cold.

Halfway into her sketch, she began to feel drowsy. She fell asleep with a pencil still in her hand.

"Eunbi. Wake up, please. I need you," Her head shot up, and she looked straight ahead to see Changbin standing in front of her. He smiled. "Hey." he said.

"Changbin?" without another word, she fainted.

She didn't speak to anyone, not even her family. She didn't know what to do. He couldn't be dead.

Her one source of inspiration, the only thing in this world that made her truly happy, the light in her life, the only person who supported her dreams, he was gone for good. Forever. There was no way of getting him back. She went back to her room, still silent.

She sat at her desk, pulling out her lyric book. Jisung gave it to her for her birthday three years ago, and it became her most treasured possession. She wrote everything in here. All the pain she felt, her personal struggles, her dreams, she would keep it here.

Gina's mother had always thought that Gina and Jisung would get married one day. The girl would always deny it. She didn't want to get married. She wanted to achieve her dreams. So did Jisung. God, she wished he had told her what he was going through. There was so much she should've said, that she should've done.

But it was too late now.

She opened her lyric book to a blank page and began to write.

I miss you, I can't reach you,
you're too far away now to see.
I can't find a way to hear you,
I can only imagine what you'd say to me.
I wish I could've helped you,
I wish I could've held you,
I wish you would've let me.
I can't picture life without you yet,
I don't know if I ever will.
But you're gone, you're gone, you're gone,
And I'm left behind.

She closed her book gently, and began to cry. She regretted everything.

In a soft voice, she whispered, "I miss you, Jisung. But I can't tell you that."

"You just did." said a soft voice behind her.

She turned around sharply, and faced the voice. Jisung.

"Oh my god."


oof here's a chapter finally!! i hope
you enjoyed it! (even tho it's a piece of trash i know) it's a pretty bad cliffhanger, i'm sorry about that. i tried to include everyone's points of view, so if it sucks please tell me! thanks for supporting!!

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