Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

••Ashton's POV••

I've started shivering, this isn't good. It's really hot in this part of Limbo but I feel freezing. I run further on, my arms hugging my chest in an attempt to stay warm, my teeth chattering.

Suddenly, I trip over a root of some kind. I'm sent sprawling forward and as I hold my hands out to stop me from breaking my nose, I fall heavily on my hands. The shock runs up my arms in shooting pains and my wrists start to ache immediately. Groaning, I roll over and push myself up, examining my stinging palms, both are cut deeply but I ignore the pain as I brush my legs off.

My once black skinny jeans now have unpleasant brown patches on them and the knees are ripped beyond repair. They really weren't the most practical item of clothing to be banished to Limbo in.

My hand skims over my pocket and I feel something there, I pull it out. It seems to be a folded piece of material, and extremely similar to Jamie's pale blue dress. I open it and see Jamie's messy scrawl on it, written in what looks like to be blood - obviously she didn't have a pen on her when she died.

Squinting at the tiny writing, I read the note, my eyes widening as I comprehend the words,

'Ash! You better read this before you do anything stupid! I know that in Limbo your powers aren't very stable but it's okay! There's a way for you to control them, you need to find something that grounds you (It's creatively called your 'Grounder'). It's a lot simpler that you'd think, just think of someone or something that makes you want to live, that makes you want to carry on fighting. Don't die or I'll kill you okay!

Love J.'

Can she be serious? After all this time not being able to use my powers and it was this simple? Find something that tethers me; my Grounder, well that's simple: Hazel. The only one I'll ever love. She makes me want to live, even when she can't stand me. I thought I wanted to die because of what happened but I've realised, giving up won't get me anywhere. Fighting on the other hand, fighting may get her back.

I start walking again, I know where Tictus will be, well, where he probably is. Lyara fire can kill a ghost but it can't kill one of the Detested, the only thing that can do that is a silver knife coated in human blood - the blood of the killer, because to kill a Detested a sacrifice is required.

Concentrating, I skrew my eyes closed, and with Hazel's face in my mind I think only of my silver knife, the one that I used to perform the sacrifice that caused all this, the one which I'm certain will still be left in that abandoned ritual room under the school.

I wait for what seems like an age, and just as I'm about to open my eyes and give up, a flash of white light flashes. I open my eyes quickly and just as my Witchlight fades the knife appears in my still-bleeding hand. The familiar weight almost makes me smile, the amount of times I've used this knife, in rituals and spells, hell I've even made sandwiches with this thing; It was a present for my little brother and sister, Harry and Lauren.

My stomach suddenly rumbles violently at the thought of food, jeez! I haven't eaten in....well actually I can't remember the last time Haze and I ate....

Concentrating again I summon a Vegemite sandwich, as it appears in my hand I quickly shove it in my mouth, almost choking in my gusto. Happiness is starting to spark in my chest, it seems to ward away the anger, sadness and fear, with my powers now working properly again I feel a lot more confident.

I start running again, this time with more effort. I may still feel like microwaved crap with a side of oven baked puke, but if I can do this; if I can get rid off Tictus after all he's done then maybe we'll find a way out of here, out of Limbo.

We'll Find a Way (Death Cannot Part Us Sequel, 5SOS Fanfic) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now