"What class do you have?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. Emmett's grin widened and I couldn't help but to stare at that damned dimple. Jesus. Has he always been this damned hot? Nope. No. Don't do it, Ezra. He's a change. An annoying, sexy, and massive change. Just show him his class and hope to God he'll leave you alone.

"History with Mrs. Taylor."

I groaned internally. Was God trying to punish me.

"I have her too," I said through gritted teeth. If possible Emmett's grin grew even wider at the news. That fucking dimple! Was this guy trying to kill me?


I sighed and continued walking silently. Emmett walked beside me, that same old grin on his face. I suppose the good news about Emmett's presence is that no one bothered to try and talk to me. Even with that childish grin of his, people seemed to move away from him fearfully.

I didn't really get why. He wasn't scary at all. He was kind of like a bear. A rather large polar bear. I snickered to myself at that thought as we stopped at the classroom. Emmett looked at me with narrowed eyes and an amused smile on his face.

"What's so funny?" He questioned and I just smirked at him.

"I was just thinking of an annoying nickname to call you since you've saddled me with one and I can't seem to get rid of you," I said and Emmett grinned as he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah? What'd you come up with?"

"Polar Bear," I stated quite proudly. Emmett looked at me silently for a moment before chuckling.

"Polar Bear?"

"Yeah. Because you're the size of a bear and pale as hell. Like seriously dude, do you ever tan?" I asked him and Emmett laughed, nodding his head silently at me.

"I can get behind Polar Bear, Angel Eyes," he grinned down at me.

"Can't you try to flirt somewhere else, Geralds. No one wants to catch your gay."

I rolled my eyes at the words and I turned to see Lauren standing there with her boy toy of the week, Tyler. I put my scowl on my face.

"First of all, you can't catch gay, Lauren. Second, it's a free country so kiss my ass," I responded before turning to walk into the classroom. Emmett followed closely after me, but thankfully before he could follow me to my seat he was stopped by the teacher.

Now that he knew I was gay, I was sure Emmett was going to turn out to be like everyone else. I really didn't need more negativity in my life. I was negative enough to last a lifetime. I took my usual seat in the back of the classroom, setting my books on my desk.

I was looking out the window, waiting for class to finally start when I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to see Emmett sitting next to me, he grinned at me.

"Looks like you're my desk buddy for the year," he grinned.

"Yippee," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. Emmett just smiled at me. It was like nothing I do or say could throw this guy off. He was always smiling at me.

"You know one of these days, Angel Eyes. I'm gonna break down that wall of yours," he smiled at me.

"Take a number, Polar Bear," I looked at him. Luckily the teacher had began to talk and I was saved from having to say much else to Emmett. I turned my attention to the front of the classroom. I felt Emmett's eyes on me the entire time, but I chose to ignore it.

Whenever I would glance his way, he would still be looking at me as if not at all embarrassed by his staring. He even flashed me that dimpled grin of his a few times. I swear that dimple would be the death of me.

This guy was driving me crazy. I had only known him all of two hours and he's made me feel more than anyone I've ever met. I didn't like this. It was a change. He was bringing a change and I sure as hell didn't want it. I had to figure out a way to get this guy away from me before something terrible happened.

I could barely pay attention in the lesson because Emmett's gaze was that heated. All I could concentrate on was the burning in the side of my head for his gaze. He really was laying it on thick. When the teacher gave us the rest of the class to ourselves, I quickly opened my book.

"You'd rather read than talk to me?" Emmett asked. I looked over at him and there was a slight shine of amusement in his eyes while he pouted.

"Yes," I responded before turning my attention back to my book.

"You're a real mystery, Ezra Geralds. But call me Shaggy, because you're one mystery I swear I'm going to solve."

Changes {Emmett Cullen} Where stories live. Discover now