| Lancer |

(You're both like 4 or 5 in this)

Today, your father, who was a king of a land far away from dark world, was taking you somewhere. He said it was another 'playdate'. You were the princess/prince/child of the king and queen of a far away land called Loover (just made that up).

Your parents would try to arrange playdates for you with other royal children so that either :

1. You could have a royal friend your age
2. You could marry when older and form an alliance between the two lands

(They mainly want the second one to happen but, all the playdates have just resulted in ones. You didn't even like most of the children)

You expected this one to be no different but, you were wrong.

You were greeted at the castle by a man in navy blue with long white hair and a creepy face. His smile deepens when he sees you and your father at the door.

"Greetings thou royale worms~"

Your father looks very confused. So are you. He talks for a bit to your father before taking you to a large room with flags on the walls and a very big chair in the middle of the room. A very large and scary dog man sits in the big chair. He gets out of the chair and  starts to speak to you father. You don't bother to listen.

  A small and round thing starts to walk towards you. You soon realize that it's another child that looks like the big scary dog man.



"Are you (Y/N)?"

"Yeah, why? Are you Lancer?"

"Yeah, my dad said you're here to play with me...."

"Yeah, I think that's it"

"Well, you wanna ride on my bicycle?"


You both spent the rest of the day riding on Lancer's bike and bothering/pranking the man in the navy blue. Lancer calls him 'lesser dad'. Kinda weird. Wasn't that other guy his dad? Well anyways, you did have a lot of fun.

As you left the castle, Lancer ran outside yelling your name.

"(Y/N) WAIIIT!!"

You turned around to receive a big hug from Lancer. Your little cheeks heated up a little as you start to hug back.

"When can you come back? Today was really fun!"

You look at your dad with begging eyes. He looks and sees an adorable friendship blossoming, how can he say no?(hint: he can't)

"Whenever you want to (Y/N)"

"Yaaaaaaaaay" you both cheered hugging more.

"NOOOOOOO" you can hear the 'lesser dad' yell from the castle.

|Rouxls Kaard |

Running. All you could do right now was find him. You HAD to find him and get him to his father otherwise, you would get fired.

  You  were the king's assistant. You had only held the position for about two months but, you had mutual feelings for it so far. The job was pretty random because it could escalate from 1 to 100 real quick. Like from doing some paperwork to having to find the king's son in his labryinth of a castle in less than ten minutes. You really did hate it at times like these.

The halls? Nope.

The elevator? Nope

The kitchen? Nope

His room? Nope

That shop? You hadn't checked yet.

You walked into the small glowing shop rather quickly and found Lancer with a man who you had never seen before. They were sitting on the counter with a jar of worms. The man seemed to be really into then and Lancer was kinda confused but, enjoying it.

You walked over to the counter slowly and cautiously. The man noticed you immediately and so did Lancer.


"Hey Lancer" you waved

"Whate?" The man questioned

You mentally replayed what he said since it sounded a little weird.

"Oh yeah! Lesser dad meet (y/n)!" Lancer pointed at the man and then you, before shoving you too close together.

You could see him more clearly now. He had a navy blue uniform and well kept, long white hair. He also had a very unusual face. He was kinda cute.

"Hello thou pretty/handsome worm~"

You felt your face slightly heat up but, you quickly ignored it. You backed up a little since you were really close to him.

"Hello, sir..."

"Rouxls Kaard, and what is thou name for suche a pretty/handsome worm?"

You felt your face get hotter. Holy shit, was he flirting already?


"Lovely, and why art thou here (y/n)?"

You suddenly remembered what you had come here for and that you were in a time crunch to finish it. You felt a slight pain when remembering.


You quickly grabbed Lancer's hand and ran to the throne room as fast as you could.

Rouxls Kaard was left speechless and very intrigued by the woman/man/person he had just met.


Well that took forever and I feel like it sucked :D

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