Chapter 28: Pranked

Start from the beginning

I grinned at her. "Will you do the honors?" She gave me a look saying 'Of Course' before her eyes fogged over.

We each grabbed our water guns, not filled with water ;), and moved into the edge of the clearing.

Ryder, Alec and Jake approached us, in formation, each heavily armed. Ryder held several water balloons. Alec had a backpack and water balloon and Jake had two bottles of squeezable ketchup.

Real creative boys.

Well it would have been too easy to just battle it out there, so instead we took off into the woods.

While running we watched carefully as Ryder missed the trap, then Alec. Jake was right behind when his foot flew out from under him.

Yes! Kylie and I fist bumped at the guys turned to see him struggling mid air.

With a chuckle they continued after us, abandoning him there as he cussed us all out.

Two on two. Now the real game was starting.

The first thing Kylie and I did was split up. We were hoping the boys would splint up too, but we weren't so lucky.

No instead they both went after Kylie. I knew they knew I'd follow to help Kylie and I did it anyway.

At first I heard two splashes, quickly scaling a tree to see Alec had thrown two water balloons and missed, leaving two weird colored patches on the trees and ground.

Reaching in his bag, I balanced on a branch. I could believe what he pulled out. He had a freaking PIE!

Kylie's gun was aimed at Ryder to keep him from throwing his balloons, but had left her vulnerable.

Taking aim I made myself known. "Put the Pie down." I demanded as the two looked back to see me aimed right at Alec.

Kylie looked up at me in relief. Still looking at me Alec made a move and I couldn't yell fast enough.

Pie fell over Kylie in chunks. It was BAD. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Oh, if looks could kill it would be game over.

Waiting no time I sprayed Alec. I sprayed him good. His clothes began turning red as I doused him in Cranberry juice. The stunned look on his face was priceless.

"Hey! I like this shirt!" he whined.

"Too bad." Kylie growled at him. They were out.

It was just me and Ryder. He took aim but I jumped down before he could hit me.

Dashing out of the woods I tried to pump my water gun. It was out. *Insert Choice Words Here*

Changing course I ran right to Kylie's house. Dropping the gun I ran inside. I felt something in my pocket. The Mentos!

Throwing open the fridge I grabbed a soda and ran right out.

Ryder was on my heels with Alec and Kylie right behind. I doubted they would miss this for the world.

In the clearing by the pack house I turned. Walking backwards I held the soda firmly, Mentos in my hand.

As Ryder strolled out with a big smirk, Kylie came beside me.

Many pack members looked up at us in question, many more finding their way towards us from all over.

Watching Ryder I opened the soda and prepared it discreetly. That was when I saw a reluctance in his eyes.

The soda began to hiss in my hand. Oops. Winding up, I leaned back and chucked it into the air before it erupted.

Soda foam flew EVERYWHERE. By the time we looked back up both Ryder and I were covered.

Laughter erupted through the entire clearing. A few kids ran over trying to make bubble angels. There wasn't that much, it was only one soda, but it was still cute.

Watching the kids I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me gently. "Mmmm, someday those will be our kids." He whispered, pressing his lips lightly to his mark through my shirt.

Looking up at him I raised a single eyebrow. "Oh yeah? What makes you say that?" I wondered.

It didn't even phase him as he chuckled. "I have a feeling." Is all he said and I rolled my eyes.

Kylie came up in front of me, arms crossed looking deadly. Ryder held me tighter at the sight of her.

"I did not take a pie to the head for a damn tie." She growled at me.

Oops. Pulling out of Ryder's arms I ran for my life with Kylie on my heels, throwing pie residue at me.

Yeah we're weird, but who cares. We're happy.

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