Welcome to hell

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1 December 2018:

Author note: Gotta excuse myself for being absent for so long. Actually having no inspiration is a big problem for me. This chapter had gone through a lot of changes, so I'm sorry if it's bad. Enjoy♡
I stepped out of the elevator, the creepy smile was still on my face. I faced the darkness of the halls I knew better than anything. I single light was constantly turning on and off, giving a even more spooky sensation.

,, What do you mean, (Y/N)?" Ray spoke quietly.

I made a few more steps forward, and then froze in place. The footsteps behind my back announced that Zack and Rachel came out of the elevator's door frame, wich meant they were going to shut back. And they did. The only single light was slightly illuminating my figure, wich stood there motionless.

,, What the fuck, (Y/N)?! Where are we?" Zack sounded really frustrated.

I turned slowly my head to their direction, so I could see them over my shoulder. My smile widened. An insane expression took over me.

,, Well, we've just reached... my floor."

Zack's body visibly tensioned, as he placed his scythe in an defensing manner. Ray was just standing there and watching me dumbfounded.

,, ... liar".

His voice cracked. My actions hurted him in a way, but I didn't mean it.

,, Huh? I haven't even done something and you're calling me a liar."

,, You told us you had no intentions to hurt us..." Ray spoke.

,, And I do not have any!"

My tone came back to normal. I was facing them now, just waiting. And I didn't receive an response.

,, Look, I just freaking informed you that we reached my beloved B4, wich is my floor. An dramatic effect wouldn't kill you, would it?" I continued in a monotone tone with my eyes closed. ,, If I wanted you dead, wouldn't I've already end you up?"

He calmed down little by little. I puled out of my pocket a remote with multiple buttons on it. My finger pressed several ones, and some mechanisms in distance made a dull noise.

,, What was that?" Zack asked.

,, I deactivated the automatic machine guns and the traps on this floor. Make yourself comfortable... but keep close to me if you don't wanna die."

A passage opened in the right wall, and the lights inside it turned on.

,, We can get to the main room trough it faster. There is medicine, food, in general, whatever you want. So, let's go."

Rachel, who stood quietly in the corner moved towards me, taking my hand into her's one. Zack, on the other hand didn't moved at all.

,, How long do you plan to stand there?" I asked in a low tone.

,, How can I know you're not lying?" His face was darkened with confusion.

,, Trust me, you can."

He seemed to process my words.

,, Don't worry, I might be a sadistic bitch, but for sure not a liar."

,, ... Alright... Let's go...". I could tell how unsure he was by just looking at him.

In about two minutes of walking through this hallway wich lead to the main room, I was trying to figure out what caused Zack's sudden reaction. Seemed like he tough that I was using him to achive my goals. That's ridiculous, cause I've made it clear how much do I hate lies. And I wasn't basically lying, so...

,, The way you greeted us here kinda scared me, (Y/N)" sayed Rachel.

,, I'm sorry, but I couldn't help to hold it back" I chuckled.

A metal door was at the end of the hallway. The ,,Please, introduce the PIN - code" shit was lightly glowing. My fingers ran across the buttons, and the red light turned into a green one, announcing that the door was now open.

We've stepped inside the room, and Rachel's eyes widened once she made the eye contact with the surroundings.

,, It's beautiful... " Ray spoke quietly.

Well, a big-ass vintage-styled room is for sure pretty beautiful and cozy. A little light made it's way inside it though the windows, but the outside part had artificial light projectors. A bunch of computers were waiting for me on the table in the corner of it. Some small cozy sofas covered with fur blankets waited patiently for someone to sit on 'em.

Zack entered the room as well. A small ,, woah" escaped his lips.

,, Make yourself comfortable, guys. Take whatever you want".

,, Can we just make our way up?" Zack questioned.

,, O my, you're so impatient. We'll go, just let me take something before leaving this place". I turned around with a small smile. ,, If you want, I could take something for you if need~" I continued in a sing-like tone.

Zack silently nooded in disapproval. Ray just asked:

,, Do you have gun munition?"

Why the fuck does she need gun munition?

,, Sure."

I walked towards a big bookshelf and moved some books to open the passage leading to a hidden door. I walked inside it. It was all dusty, but still somehow normal looking. Tons of boxes covered with dust where standing there untouched for like ages. Opening a box with ,,Caution" on it, I took out some gun munition, and checked out if I had any gas bombs around. Thankfully I found 3 of 'em. Quickly sliding them inside my pockets, I closed the door behind me.

,, You done?" Zack asked impatient.

,, Yuh, let's go".

It took me a while when I realised that's the last time Im being here. For about 3 years being stuck in this hell of place was getting really annoying.

A small glance was sent down to Ray. Her hand was locked on mine, like she was afraid to loose me. Then my eyes glued on Zack's figure. He looked so serious, that I began wondering about what was he thinking.

Or he noticed my staring, cuz I was sure my eyes were digging holes in him, or he was just curious, but he looked down at me kinda confused. And then...

...he fucking smiled. The most goddamn beautiful and pure smile I've ever seen. A pink dust covered my face instantly.

,, Oh, well... the e-elevator's h-here. Let's go...". My voice was trembling as fuck.

Pressing the button, the steal doors opened. While stepping inside, I wondered, is this even real?

Angel With Broken Wings ( Zack X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن