Leave it in the past and smile (Escape from B6)

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30 October 2018:

Author note: This chapter contains violence and suicide hints! Don't read the first part if you can't mentally resist! Please, never think that suicide is a solution, I beg you sweeties, NEVER ever hurt yourself! I love you so, so much♡
* I can also make some changes trough the previous chapters, so you could re-read them if you want♡Enjoy♡

Life is an unstoppable machine. It's just going on, as full with struggles and drama as it is. We tend to remember days wich we consider special, other ones we tend to erase out. But some of them are like scars, remembering you about that particular difficulty. We can't blame life for this. We should better accept their existence, as they are.

My early life wasn't a dream one. It could never be. Of course, it had bright days in it, but most of them were filled with tears. I remember how I daily cried my eyes out, just to fall asleep after it, still sobbing.

I wasn't alone. I had a family which loved me, I was doing well at school, I even started a music career. Just a normal life wich changed drastically.

Still remember that goddamn day, when was making my way back home to our apartment. We were living in a pretty expensive place, worth about some millions dollars. Well, my parents made some good money at that time.

It was a cold, cloudy night. The moon was barely seen, it was just a lighter spot on a dark, blank sky. The only lights were from the surrounding houses in the neighborhood. I had a strange feeling that something was wrong. I hated that feeling.

My thoughts were interrupted by a sharp scream. It rang inside my head. I began trembling. I knew that voice too damn well.


I had tons of reason why I rushed trough the street. Her scream sounded at first like a surprised one, just after it turned into a horrified yell. Soon after it was followed by another scream, wich was my dad's.

Somewhy, I stopped. My legs weren't listing to me, in fact I was yelling at myself to move.

What is going on there? Why they were screaming? Why did I stop?... Please, (Y/N), don't stand here like a maroon.

At this point I was running like an insane, lost child. I was just 9 back then.

I entered the gates of the house and rushed unbelievably fast up the stairs. The door was open.

Please be ok.

I went upstairs straight to the parents room. What was inside there erased all my hopes.

The window was broken, glass pieces were laying all over the floor. On the bed was laying mom, having a weird position. Dad was on the floor, having this face up, like he was staring at the ceiling. I felt on my knees. They were covered in blood.

The bedsheets, the white roses on the small table near the bed, the puffy white carpet made from natural fur. Everything had blood all over them.

I don't remember how long have I stayed like this, but I heard the police cars on their way to our residence. They entered the apartment loud enough, but all the noise was so... distant from me. Like there was an mysterious barrier between them and me. My mind was blank.

The policemen crushed through the door of the bedroom, having their guns pointed at me. Maybe deep down inside they knew it wasn't me. One of them kneeled down at me, asking some questions wich I barely could make out.

After that incident I was being rised by a woman who actually didn't care about me at all. She was shouting at me forever, even hit me. I was being mentally ruined. That was the time a cute, innocent girl named (Y/N) (L/N) gone crazy.

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