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Nicki's body moved with the upbeat music as she danced. It was clear that she had rehearsed the step-by-step choreography, for she was a pro at it. As the music came to an end, she stopped and smiled, trying to catch her breath. The rest of the dance team clapped and cheered.

"Nice job, Nic," her closest friend, Adrian, smiled, nudging her.

"Thanks, boo. I've been practicing that routine all week," Nicki told her, wiping herself down with a towel.

She walked over to the benches with Adrian and they took a seat. Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she leaned forward and slid her foot into her Nike sneaker.

"Where you headed after this?" Adrian asked.

Nicki glanced up from tying her shoes lace. She let out a small sarcastic laugh as she finished. Sitting upright, she grabbed her other shoe.

"To pick up Little-Miss-Perfect from her job interview at the law firm downtown," Nicki said.

Adrian laughed, watching Nicki put on her other shoe. She laced it up, then grabbed her Nike hoodie, pulling it on. Standing up, she picked up her Nike duffel bag.

"I don't know why you call her that. She's far from perfect," Adrian said.

"Try telling my parents that. She's in college, she's interning at the law firm, and she just bought an apartment downtown. Oh, did I mention my parents just bought her a brand new BMW last month? She gets whatever she wants. Then there's me," Nicki expressed. "Walk with me."

Adrian grabbed her things, walking with Nicki. "Come on, Nic! You've gotta stop comparing yourself to your sister. I get she's moving faster in life, but look on the bright side.. you're one of the best dancers on our team!"

"That's all I'm good for, Adri. Dancing. That doesn't mean anything to my parents. They'd rather I be a doctor or a lawyer or something. Unfortunately, Olivia got into the college of her choice and followed that career course, while I didn't."

"Here you go again, comparing yourself to her."

Nicki shrugged. "I can't help it. Until some big opportunity comes my way to prove to my family that I'll be something, then I'll stop. But guess what? It's not happening."

"It's crazy how hard you push yourself when it comes to dancing, but you don't actually believe in yourself."

They stopped at Nicki's white Toyota. She popped the trunk and put her bag inside, then closed it.

"If living large happened overnight, then I'd believe in myself. I'll catch you later, though, Adri."

"See ya!"

Adrian walked off and Nicki got into her car, pulling off. She bumped a Lauryn Hill CD while driving downtown. Upon arriving, she parked her car and got out, texting her sister.

I'm here. About 2 run inside & use the bathroom tho!

Okay. Meet me in the lobby.

Nicki locked her phone and went inside. As soon as she stepped inside, she felt out of place. Every had on suits and other business attire, yet Nicki looked like she had just left the gym. She headed towards the front desk.

"Excuse me, where are the bathrooms?" Nicki asked.

"Restrooms are right down that hall, to the left," the receptionist told her.

Nicki smiled. "Thank you."

Going to the bathroom, Nicki handled her business and washed her hands. She dried them, then walked out, bumping into someone.

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