Ethan continued to yell in his face and I could pick out a few words like; 'faggot' or 'manwhore'.

I bit the inside of my cheek, debating whether I should go help the guy or not. I mean, if I do then I'll probably get beaten up but it's better than the innocent guy getting threatened right? But if I don't help him then-oh screw it.

I shook my head and trudged towards the two, trying to not be a coward. "You're such a faggot, don't ever show your fac-" Ethan was saying but I cut him off by yanking him off the scrawny guy & standing in between the two.

I was shocked that I was able to get Ethan off of the guy but cleared my head and turned to the shaking guy. "Go." I whispered & watched as he ran down the hall, away from us.

I looked back at Ethan & saw him fuming as he watched his victim get away.

Ethan then turned his glare to me, balling his fists up tightly & I immediately regretted my decision of helping the guy.

I swallowed nothing & tried to run in the same direction but was pulled back by my wrist tightly & thrown onto the floor. "Mind your own fucking business." Ethan said, gritting his teeth.

He sent a hard kick to my stomach before storming away down the hall again.

I coughed sharply & held my stomach as I sat up. Jesus, could that guy kick.

I leaned my back against the cold wall & shut my eyes. Now I just couldn't wait for the party tonight so that I can let loose & forget about all my problems.

So that I can forget about Ethan.

It was 7:58 at night, Hannah would be here soon to pick me up for the party.

I waited on my porch anxiously, smoothing out my black blouse & fixing my wavy hair constantly.

I reached my hand up & touched the corner of my lips, making sure my lipstick wasn't messed up.

I had managed to wrap my other hand with medical wrap, so it didn't hurt as much anymore but it still throbbed once in awhile.

I looked to my driveway, seeing Hannah pulling in & smiling extremely widely at seeing me dressed up.

I shrugged & looked down, embarrassed as I walked over to her car & sat in the front seat beside her. "You look so good girl!" She practically screamed & I couldn't help but to let out a laugh as she put the gear in reverse & backed down my driveway.

She turned the radio up as we drove & we had a blast listening to music on the way to Cameron's giant house.

After dancing around to about six or seven songs we had finally arrived at the gates of Cameron's house.

I mean I already imagined his house being quite big, but not like a mansion.

Hannah made me be the one to get out of the car and walked up to the small black screen next to the gates.

I assumed this is where you buzz Cameron to let you in, but there was already a small note of paper taped to the screen. It said that 'the gates are open'. So I guess I just have to push open the gates....?

I shrugged to myself & walked over to the tall black steel gates & gave them a push, making them swing wide open.

Hannah pulled up in between the metal structures & I hopped back in the passenger seat, slamming the door shut as the car began to park in the grass next to the many other cars.

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