Rise and Shine

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Bakugou woke up to All Might staring at him.

He nearly screamed until he registered that it was a poster. On the ceiling. In a room that wasn't his.

Now he screamed.

Unfortunately for Bakugou, he garnered the attention of the whole floor due to how freaking loud he was. Rushed footsteps followed by worried knocks sounded at the door. "M-Midoriya? Are you okay?" Came a worried voice from out in the hall.

'No, I'm not fucking okay! I'm still stuck in Deku's body! This is bullshit!' Is what he wanted to say. Instead, he opted for a meek, "I'm fine! Just one of those falling dreams where you wake up before you hit the ground."

There was a pause. "Alright, if you say so. See you in class, Midoriya." came the reply before whoever had come to check on him went away,

He waited, listening for the footsteps to recede. A growl escaped him as he gripped the bed sheets tightly. He heard a faint crackling noise before the slight discomfort registered. Bakugou released his grip, shaking his hands to rid of the weird tingle that seemed to literally course through his veins. He flexed his fingers, noting the tightness he'd feel when he curled them into fists. It was like Deku's body was anticipating its usual destructive release of power. He left his fingers outstretched, attempting to piece together how to use this body. If he was going to be stuck as Deku, might as well be a better version of the damn nerd.

Swinging his legs off the bed and onto the floor, Bakugou made his way up to his neutral fight stance. Fists raised, Bakugou let out an exhale, shifting his body into warrior pose. This time he was better prepared for the growing static warmth. He crouched, swinging his arms down low as the energy began to jump and flash around him. So far it seemed this quirk of Deku's showed up whenever he geared up to fight or felt the urge to punch something. Which meant unless he wanted to be physically uncomfortable 24/7, he'd have to rein in his aggressive attitude.

This would get annoying quickly.


It took everything Midoriya had to not scream when he awoke still very much in Bakugou's body. Dejection followed his initial shock at seeing spiky blond hair instead of his usual mess of green curls when he shuffled into the bathroom. Red eyes widened in surprise stared back at him. Seeing Bakugou's face make such an expression was weird. He quivered his lips in an awkward attempt of normalcy as Bakugou.

Taking a deep breath, he willed his nerves away as best he could, gripping the counter with shaky arms. In retrospect, he'd known having this quirk's effect be a one and done was wishful thinking, but that's what he thought about becoming a hero and look at him now! Living his dream of attending UA. If only such a lucky streak continued.

"Okay, you're still Kacchan, which isn't necessarily terrible even if it's really weird and thank goodness I don't have to act like him once we get to class." Deku mumbled to himself. He really didn't want to have to act like he had a personal vendetta with the world. He's not even sure if last night's brief interaction with Kirishima was "Bakugou" enough, although he never considered himself a good actor in the first place.

With a small whine, he ran his hands down his face. Everything would be fine. His classmates would understand and hopefully be merciful with whatever teasing was bound to come from this.Taking another calming breath, he clapped his hands together and-


A mini explosion sounded, a small cloud of smoke blowing right in his face. Deku yelped, ramming his back into the door. He winced, coughing slightly.

Right. Bakugou's quirk. He had that now.

Blinking, Deku fumbled with the sink knob. He let the cool water run over his hands for a bit before splashing some onto his face. With the smoke cleared, he dried off and studied his palms. There was a weight to them, he noted. He could feel their difference in muscle just by lifting his arms alone. He'd always known Bakugou to over excel at whatever he set his mind to, ever an overachiever like himself. The proof was there in the build of Bakugou's body. Now that he was taking the time to notice, his actual body, despite having grown stronger thanks to All Might's training schedule, was still smaller and more lithe than Bakugou's. Basically everything felt a little more heavy, more compact. He was currently inhabiting a power house. An explosive one.



Bakugou blinked, looking at Deku from head to toe as he came down the hallway. The two boys, per Midoriya's request, had chosen to meet up in front of the classroom. Deku explained how he didn't really want to pretend to be Bakugou until class started, eluding to a gut feeling he had that Bakugou felt similarly. Not one to care, Bakugou complied. He frowned.

"I can't believe you bothered with that stupid tie. You can't even tie it on properly." he chided. So much for playing the part, albeit it wouldn't have been for long. Deku paused midstep. His face morphed from stunned to confused. The tie comment took Deku a second longer than necessary to register, but once it did, he glanced down, recoiling back slightly in surprise. It seemed he hadn't noticed his trademark mess of a red tie.

"Oh...sorry about that, guess I did it out of habit." He laughed awkwardly, "Do you want me to take it off?" He hesitantly lifted his hands to begin loosening his tie when Bakugou shook his head with a sigh.

"Leave it on. It doesn't matter. It'll probably help those dumbasses remember you're me and I'm you." Deku hummed in agreement, turning towards the door. "Now come on, let's get this over with."



Life kept handing my ass to me. Mix that with writer's block and little to no drive/motivation and unintentional hiatus's happen. 

Fun :^)

I'm just glad I'm finally back to typing. Hopefully the next chapter doesn't take this long but who know with this unreliable narrator?

Hope you enjoyed anyways

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