And now, a word from the Author

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It's been a while, huh? 2 years, to be exact.

As you all have probably figured by now, this is most likely going to be sitting for a while (if not abandoned), for which I apologize. I ended up getting sucked into another fandom/ship and I, unfortunately, don't really have interest in this anymore.

That being said, I can do 1 of 2 things:

1) wrap it up with another "notes from the author" style chapter where I tell you how this fic was going to end

2) rewrite it as a whole so that if I DO decide to continue, the change in prose and writing style doesn't give you all whiplash, because I sure have grown as a person and writer in the 2 years I've been gone lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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