He turned and looked at Roza. "We may need to put an underage warning out for anyone who wants to attend the trial."

She nodded, "yes, I agree. This is definitely not something that any child, teenager or any of the frail and fragile of health should witness. Make sure that you put a full page announcement in every issue of the newspaper until the trial. Also have flyers made up, passed out and posted all around court.  And also have them make a warning put out on our radio and television stations. I don't want this kind of thing being seen or heard by anyone who can't handle the details. During the trial, please have people posted at each of the entrances checking everyone's identification. No one under the age of eighteen, but I would prefer twenty but we can't do that, is to be allowed inside."

"Yes, your majesty. I will see to it personally. I will also chose a pair of guardians to place at each entrance out of our best court assigned guardians."

"Thank you, Hans. After hearing all of that I need to got take a hot shower and wash away all the grit, grim, disgust and repulsion. Then I need to hold my children."

I nodded because I needed the exact same thing.

"We understand that your majesty, anyone who had just heard that kind of thing would need the same."

"Dimitri and I are taking the day off tomorrow to spend with our children. After hearing all of that I just need to cuddle with my children for a few days before we have to hear it all all over again. I have known Tasha for years and I know first hand some of the despicable, cruel, heartless, selfish, malicious and disgusting things that she is capable of. But I just never in my wildest dreams thought she was capable of some of that. I'm truly shocked and completely disgusted that she would supply them with children to slaughter just hoping that bathing in their blood would keep her looking young. It is nauseating. And it sooo obviously didn't work."

"It is your majesty, it truly is."

The day after our meeting in the hospital with Darius, Guardian Ethan Moore returned to court. And his first stop had been asking for a moment of mine and Roza's time.


"You needed to see us Guardian Moore?"

"Yes, your majesties. While I was gathering my things from Tasha house I remembered some phone calls that I overheard parts of. I don't know if they were before her phones had been bugged or not but if they were then I will happily testify to what I heard."

"Can you tell us what you heard?"

"Of course, your majesties."

"I overheard her telling someone that she wanted them to go to what she called a 'blood whore commune' in Russia and kill the entire Belikova household. She said that when she was finally able to get her love to be her guardian that she didn't want anything or anyone alive that could take him from her. She didn't care who that could be, she just wanted everyone who could stand in her way dead."

I turned and was about to walk out the door when suddenly I wasn't making any head way. I looked down and saw that my feet weren't even on the floor anymore.

"Roza, put me down and let me go. I am going to save everyone the time and the expense of a trial and skin her zhopa alive before I slit her yeblya throat." (ass, fucking)

"No, you are not. Because if you do that then you will be the one on trial, and I can't let you do that."

"Roza, she tried to have my birth family slaughtered!!!"

"I am well aware of that, and please trust me when I say that you are not the only one that just wants to rip her fucking throat out. But believe me when I say that she will absolutely pay for that as well. But if I let you murder her then you will be taken away from all of us. Now, do really want to miss out on the lives of your children? Do you want to miss them growing up? Do you not want to give them more brothers and sisters? Do you want to loose what time you have with mama, babushka and the others?" (grandmother)

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