Ethan lowered his eyes at me, clenching his jaw before speaking. "Watch where you're going, bitch." He spat before shoving his hands into his pocket & waltzing away.

I breathed out a sigh of relief and picked myself up, brushing my shirt off.

Ethan is a bitch. Anybody who goes to this school would know that. He also pushes me around, a lot. Why? I don't even know. I never did anything to him, I guess I'm just so ugly that I deserve it. All he cares about is going to parties, getting drunk & fucking with girls only to leave them the next day. He's a player. But somehow, he has all the girls in this school falling head over heels for him. Well, except for my friends and I since we aren't as blind as the rest of the girls in this school. Ethan also has anger issues and won't admit it, the smallest things make him tick & to me, it's frightening but also amusing to see him all worked up.

I glanced over to see that Ethan already had a girl pushed up against his locker and was shoving his tongue down her throat.

The girl was his 'girlfriend' supposedly, even though they both cheat on eachother around four times a week. Meredith is her name, she's also a bitch and likes to lower everybody's self esteem that she sees. My friends & I like to call her 'Merebitch'.

I sighed and headed over to my new locker, putting in the combination & shoving my bag inside.

I felt a tap on my shoulder & turned around, almost immediately pulling the person into a hug.

"Grayson, oh my god." I said excitedly as my friend gripped me tighter, I could almost feel his smile. "Emma. Ellie told me about why you couldn't hangout this summer, I missed you bitch." Grayson said, pulling away from me and raising an eyebrow.

Funny coincidence, Grayson is actually Ethan's twin brother. Yeah, I know. But Grayson is the absolute opposite of Ethan actually, I mean mostly. Grayson still hooks up with girls and leaves them but he's a lot sweeter than Ethan and actually has a heart. Grayson's also one of my best friends.

"I missed you too, what have you been up to?" I asked and he shrugged, running a hand through his perfectly styled hair. "Not much, just hanging out with Aaron & the other guys....picking up some ladies as well." He trailed off, smirking at the end and I rolled my eyes. I let out a small laugh and smacked his shoulder. "With what? Your dick is so small nobody even knows it's there." I joked, slamming my locker shut and laughing as he glared at me. "Yeah okay, whatever. See you at lunch." Was all he said before cracking a smile & walking away.

I nodded and headed off to my first class, which was Spanish. And I fucking hate Spanish.

After finding a seat in the back of the classroom, I slouched down in my seat and just waited for class to begin.

I picked at the rips on my jeans as my eyebrows knitted together. I was pissed.

On my way here, Ethan had tripped me & made me lose my summer packet of Spanish homework since I had dropped it. I mean Ethan doesn't scare me as much anymore, since I'm used to it.

I let out an agitated sigh and dragged my eyes up, looking around to see that mostly everybody was here....including Ethan.

He was sitting in the row of desks next to me, two chairs ahead.

The teacher then walked in and slammed the door shut behind her, causing me to jump. She stood in the front of the room and raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at all of us.

"Hola clase...." She started to talk & that's when I lost her. I never understood Spanish & honestly didn't care. It was the class where your work didn't have to be right, you just had to do it. I zoned out.

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