Driving home, I blasted music from my favorite bands' self-titled album and tried as best I could to keep the same pace as the vocalist on the tracks. I drove around for a bit, still procrastinating going home, before deciding to stop at a drive-through and getting something to eat. The drive to my house was too short after that. I pulled into the driveway and turned the volume to my music down, so I wouldn't go deaf the next morning. I grabbed my backpack and food, then got out of the car. I hated this place.

My house was big but wasn't anything impressive. It was two floors and the exterior was painted a light baby blue color. It had a lifted front porch, meaning walking up around 10 small steps was necessary to get to it and to the front door. The porch wrapped around the side of the house, where the living area and the doorway into the kitchen can be seen. Inside was open concept. There were three options of different directions to go in after walking through the front door, there was a hallway straight ahead that led to the kitchen, dining room, and my mothers' room, to the left there was the living/sitting room with a TV and a big open space between it and the couch. To the right was a staircase that led to my living area. That's the way I took. I didn't like being downstairs at all.

When turning to the right after walking upstairs, there was a hallway straight ahead, further to the right was a living room area and kitchen. Straight down the hallway, there were two doors on the left. The first was a guest bedroom and the second was my bedroom. Further down the hall, there was a bathroom on the right-hand side along with a laundry room.

I opted for tossing my backpack on the couch before sitting on it and getting out my homework, while randomly taking bites of my food. I was taking four classes this semester: English Comp, Intro to Speech Communication, Intro to Theatre Arts, and a Bio science class. So far, everything was going okay and was somewhat under control. I was just waiting for me to fuck something up though. I worked on my papers and assignments for several hours and decided to give it a rest for the night before I lost my mind.

After I put my materials away, I settled for watching late night cartoons on TV before getting ready for bed. After watching for a few hours, I headed to the bathroom connected to my room and washed the makeup off my face and did my business. I headed to my room, changed into shorts and a sports bra—my outfit I called pajamas—then flopped myself into bed. Set the alarm. Turn the ringer on.

I did already.

What if?? Just be late because nothing's turned on.

Shit. Maybe I didn't turn them on.

I made sure my alarm was still set and my phone volume was up before putting it on the charger and placing it on the bedside table. I rolled onto my back and pulled out the sheet from under me and let it fall on top of my body. I stared at the ceiling and my thoughts drifted to memories of the past before my eyes closed and my subconscious took control.

"It's five o' clock on the dot at the spot and I'm hangin' with her friends again. Great taste, beautiful place and you're fashionably late. I don't wanna be that guy, that makes you sad, that makes you cry again. Without a doubt sorry about making out with your friends." I groaned at how loud the music from the alarm on my phone seemed to be but tried to ignore it because I didn't want to get out of my comfy bed just yet. "I love the way that this began. Started off right, so innocent. I'm letting you know, I'm letting you go, I want your best friend. I'm giving it up and asking why you seem so shocked and so surprised. I'm sorry it hurts, I'm surely a jerk, I understand why you're mad." I felt around for a pillow I wasn't using before placing it over my head and squeezing the ends tight to my ears. "Don't talk that crap when you call me back as a matter of fact don't act like that. Everybody knows you're right, everybody knows I'm wrong (wrong)."

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