I violently shook my head. No matter how how I felt being next to him, I couldn't leave my aunt and cousins. They wouldn't even know why I hadn't come home. This was totally barbaric and outrageous. I don't know how he could think that I would just follow him willingly.

"I can't go with you." I slowly stepped away from him. "I won't."

Adrenous was now glaring at me, displeased with my refusal to follow his command. I stepped away before he could even try and grab my arm. "I'm not going!"

I quickly ran of the platform and to where I had last seen Tristan. He was a little dirty but was still struggling against the two wolves holding him down. I now recognised the two wolves to be another two who had sat beside the, King. They were obviously more powerful than the others.

"Grab her!" Adrenous shouted to the two beside Tristan. They instantly let go of my friend and came towards me. I dodged in between them and grabbed, Tristan's hand pulling him up of the floor and pulling him towards the woods.

My bare feet were being stabbed by all sorts that laid on the grass floor but I ignored it. We had to get away.

"Liv, what the hell just happened. Your one of them!"

"Tris I'm just as confused as you right now but at this moment we have to run before they catch us."

I heard the howls of wolves echoing through the trees. We weren't going to outrun them. The blanket I was trying to keep around me was making it more difficult to run. But I had to try.

"Liv, stop! They're too fast, we won't make it."

I slowed down, coming to a halt. I stared up at Tris, defeat making its way to the surface of my face. "There going to take me with them." I whispered. The feeling of failure washed over me like a bowl of cold water, shocking me back to reality of what was going to happen.

I didn't want to be taken. I didn't even have time to adjust to the fact that I had fully transformed into a beast in front of a bunch of wolvens. It all felt too unreal to me.

"Your one of them Alivia. Your meant to be with them." His eyes were angry as he looked down at me. His arms formed into tight fists at his side.

"What are you trying to say?" I felt my chest tighten as my friend took a step back. Guilt overcame his expression, he didn't even bother to look me in the eye. His fists loosened, his eyes distant as he thought of how to reply.

Before he could come up with a response we were surrounded by ferocious wolves. I turned around taking in the sight of all of them. Snarls and growls filled the air, as they trapped us in the middle of them.

The King, still in human form, stepped from behind the wolves. His cold, red orbs looked scary, his anger radiating of from him in waves as my body struggled to stay standing.

"You try a stunt like that again and I won't hesitate to kill that fucking boy." He looked at Tristan as if he truly wanted to rip his heart out, right then and there.

Tristan didn't reply but his whole body was tense and his hands were shaking. From fear or anger I couldn't tell.

I thought he was going to grab me by the arm again but screeched when he picked me up and placed me over his shoulders. I struggled against him and even tried to pound his back with my fists but he wouldn't drop me.

"Drop me right this instance." He didn't say anything as I still struggled under his firm grip.

"Drop me you bastard." I tried to pound his back a little harder to get his attention and I guess it worked because he let out one of his deadly growls.

"You are not at liberty to command me to do anything and I assure you my parents were happily married." He continued on walking further into the woods, towards the direction of his territory.

I relaxed in his hold as my struggling wasn't working and I was extremely exhausted. I spotted four people ahead of us and had to adjust myself in order to see who it was.

Arif was standing with the other three guards that were sat beside the, King during the celebration. They looked struck as they watched, Adrenous walk towards them with me over his shoulder.

"Adrenous, what's with kidnapping the girl?" A dark haired man with green eyes chuckled at the sight of me slumped over the brutes back.

"It's not kidnapping if she's mine." I snorted at his comment. How dare he call me his.

The mans green eyes glowed brighter as a smile erupted on his face. "Are you saying what I think your saying?"

Adrenous plopped me on the ground next to the men. I quickly adjusted the blanket in order to hide myself more. "Yes and I'm trusting you four to take her back home,  while I handle this."

"Of course."

I quickly turned narrow eyes on Adrenous. "Wait! Your leaving me with them?"

"Their my four most trusted generals, they'll make sure you don't do anything foolish." I glared at him as he began to leave again.

Adrenous looked at me once more before he shifted into that frightening wolf I remembered from last week. I felt warmth disappear from my body as he did behind the trees.

I looked back to the tall men staring down at me. Arif's yellow eyes looked cold as he stared down at me, his lips in a thin line. I really didn't like him.

The man with the green eyes smiled at me, his eyes were much warmer and welcoming than Arif's. "I'm Rylan." He offered his hand out for me to shake.

My hands being too occupied with the blanket still wrapped around me, I shook it a little to show him my little problem.

"Umm yeah, your going to need some clothes." He retreated his arm back to his side. "What's your name?"

"Alivia." I answered.

"Nice I like it." Rylan gestured to the other two men standing with us and said, "That's Titan and Hunter." The two nodded their heads, politely at me but didn't say much more.

Titan had a dark beard which made him look much older than he probably was. His grey eyes looked sad as if he had experienced so much pain. They were a contrast to his light caramel skin that was nicely toned.

Hunter was a slight opposite to Titan. He had dirty blonde hair and sky blue eyes that were much more innocent than, Titans. He was slightly more leaner and looked more flexible than the others but was still nicely built.

They were all at least a head taller than me.

"And you've already met this moody prick." Arif glared at Rylan causing me to chuckle. I already knew I was going to like him.

"Nice to meet you all." I spoke out, trying not to shiver from the cold.

They all seemed to notice as they looked at each other with understanding. They caught me watching as they turned back to me. Arif was the first to speak, " let's get the girl back before she dies from pneumonia." Malice laced his tone as he shot me a glare.

I couldn't get over how blunt and rude he was towards me. Maybe it was just the way he was. It wasn't my fault they were stuck with me, I didn't even wish to be here.

"We better get you back home." Rylan said. I knew he wasn't speaking about my home back in town with my aunt and cousins. He meant his home. Adrenous' kingdom.

It would never be my home.


So now you've kind of met the generals. What's your first impressions of them?

The Wolven King {18+} (Sample)Where stories live. Discover now