Chapter 7: The Snake appears!

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Chapter 7: The Snake appears!

Based on Chapter 188 of the Rave Master manga series by Hiro Mashima.

Last time: Elie was right here, was this a trick?

-Mia's POV-

"Eh? What did you say?!" Everyone but me and Rosemary said in unison. We stood outside the shelter under the huge shadow of a giant bug. Apparently that was what was sent to attack Ribeyla and was causing the tremors.

"The Blue Guardians have the girl from the freedoms fighters, it's likely that Branch lied to them and told them she was Elie to get the reward." Rosemary explained.

"That's too horrible!" Haru exclaimed once he'd heard the reasoning.

"That girl did betray Branch, he must have used this opportunity to get his revenge." Griff said gripping jiggly his face in shock.

"Do you have any proof?" Shuda asked.

"A couple villagers saw him carrying her off onto a big airship." I sighed in a defeated manor. To find out this after this amount of turn meant it might already be too late to save her.

"Some one was taken in my place..." Elie trailed off bring her hands to her chest again, it was obvious by the look on her face and get downcast eyes that she felt guilty that someone else was hurt because of her.

"Damn, this is my fault," Musica said clenching his fists and becoming tense, "I should have been more careful."

I wanted to say something to him but I had no words, Haru decided enough was enough and it was time to take action.

"Everyone, lets go and rescue her, we can't just leave where alone!" Haru suggested, everyone agreed right away but I was preoccupied seeing a beam of lift fly across the sky towards the villages 1000 year old tree.

"What is th-" I began when suddenly the beam hit the tree and blew it up! We were miles away but even from this distance, we were blown back a few meters by the force of the explosion.

Suddenly, all hell broke loose as the giant bug monster began to move again! "Ha ha, destroy to your hearts content! Send everyone here to their deaths! Raze Ribeyla to the ground!" a voice filled to the brim with insanity boomed through the air.

"Kill them all!" it said followed by manic laughter.

"Branch." Shuda said.

"Leave it to him to finish off the rest." Haru growled clenching a fist.

"If I'd have known earlier, I'd have killed him with one blow!" Let said sounding frustrated with himself.

Finally piping up I moved closer to Elie and Musica, "Elie! Musica! Now is not the time to blame yourselves we need to find a way to defeat it." I said, they looked round at me for a second, seeing my determined look they gained a similar attitude and faced the enemy before us.

The Elder Knights ran forward in a useless attempt to attack the monster, we shouted for them to stop but they were just swiped away by the bugs massive claw. Soon, much to my displeasure, random villagers were hitting is feet with anything they could find- even children were joining in!

The bug visibly began gathering up it's energy for its canon, "It's getting ready to fire is canon! Get back!" I yelled at them, I had to grab one kid to pulled him away from his fruitless attempt.

"What to do... if this carries on everyone will be killed." Musica said as more and more villagers joined in the one-sided fighting.

"There are so many villagers, we can't stop them all." I stopped trying after Julia said that, she was right even if all of us tried nothing we did would stop them from protecting their home.

"I'll use RuneSave to stop it!" Haru said dashing forwards, but Let grabbed left forearm and stopped him.

Let held up Haru's arm making him wince in pain, "In your current condition?" he asked the white haired boy.

"You noticed." Haru gasped, he had hurt his arm? How long was he planning to keep that from everyone?

Unexpectedly, Shuda tipped his head back and yelled out, "Everyone be careful!" I looked at our group, we were fast falling into despair.

Then it clicked, I can't die until I give up the Rave Stone. Why am I not protecting these people? I'd never tempted fate with this before but I was sure as hell willing to try.

I turned to stand in front of everyone when I suddenly notice that Elie was already there. "Elie!" I shouted.

"What are you doing?!" Haru asked as she faced away from us with her arms spread.

"Elie please move back." One villager said.

"You are the most important person out of all of us." Said another but she stayed put.

"To me, this village, all of you are the most important people. The village brought me lots of happy memories... I will remember you all." Elie said quietly, but everyone heard due to the deathly silence. "I want a lit more memories! So I don't want to lose any of you!" she shouted.

Without a word I went and stood next to her, "Mia! Stop it!" Haru yelled at me.

"Shush Haru! I've told you, respect your elders!" I yelled back over my shoulder.

"Mia, what are you doing?" Elie asked quietly.

"You too, be quiet. Just let me do this one thing." I said not even glancing her way as the giant bug had finished gathering energy. The great ugly beast opened its jaw wide, I saw Elie squeeze her eyes shut as it fired.

Suddenly the ground in front of us burst open and a giant snake rose from below. I gaped as the snake from the legendary story of Ribelya took the full brunt of the blast then crushed the giant bug.

I turned to Elie with a smile, knowing that this was her doing, even if she didn't mean to or couldn't remember it.

"The giant snake has returned." I sighed as I fell flat on my back in relief, "Phew, that could have been painful." I chuckled at myself.

"It's really strong." Haru commented as the snake used its body to constrict and crush the bug.

Julia put her hands on her hips, "It had eaten villagers in the past but I guess it was too ashamed to stay any longer." she said.

We all just looked up at it in awe until it had finished destroying the bug. "Hey wait! We want to follow that airship, can you take us there?" Elie called out to the snake as it started to retreat.

Much to everyone amazement it nodded in response, everyone made a very disturbed face as she smiled at it.

"It's decided." Elie said happily.

"I can't believe you just did that." Julia said bringing a hand up to her face.

I sat up and rested on my elbows, "I think it was cool." I said in a-matter-of-factly voice.

"We need to save the girl from BG, we have no time to get prepared." Haru said, he stuck his hand out to help me up. I took it with a smile.

"Lets take off at once! The target is the Blue Guardians flying ship!" Haru said, unconsciously, we all strikes a heroic looking pose ad I threw Plue in the air so he could join in.

It was time to get that assassin back.

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