jApAn ToUcH : how to ruin yourself

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Oof, first of all i'm late because japan touch was on Sunday and second of all : I DIDN'T SAY HI WHO THE FUCK AM I.

So hi :) the frenchie is back to tell you few things about her fantastic weekend.

Let's start with Saturday. So on Saturday morning i was supposed to sleep, as a normal person would do. BUT, cause there's always a but, i had to help my parents to organise something and it pissed me off u know. I didn't have the choice anyway so i went there. The only good thing is that i ate a sandwich, i love sandwiches.

I can't remember if i already said it but i HATE to go outside and talk to strangers, especially when i'm in a bad mood.
And i had to go buy the sandwiches for my mum, my dad and my me u see. I was so stressed anyway.
I was lost and completely panicked like : "WHERE THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO FUCKING GO SOMEONE HELP."
I didn't ask help cause idk i don't have reasons leave me in peace, but everything was well because i found the place where i was supposed to buy those sandwiches and i came back safe.

That was a useless paragraph, free for u.

The afternoon i did nothing but relax and eat noodles. I love noodles. I live for noodles. I hope that there are noodles in heaven. Or in hell cause i read some spicy lemon on wattpad.

OH AND ONE MORE THING, i didn't explain what was the japan touch so lemme tell u.
I don't really know how to say but, it's a huge thing that happens 2 times a year and it's all about japan and another country (this year the other country was Thailand) you can buy lot of useless stuffs that are pretty expensive but it's sO CUTE so you buy it anyway, there's food, games, concert, and there's kpop. (Don't ask what kpop is doing here i don't even know myself)

And when you go to japan touch (JT cause i'm lazy) you go there with a disguise. One of my friend gave me a disguise. It was a unicorn. And i had to take the bus. I LOVED THE IDEA.

I went to the JT with two other friends so we were four, and there was only one of us who wasn't dressed up as a unicorn.

My bestie and I took the bus (still dressed up as unicorns of course) people were judging us but who care it was our day no matter what, wE WOULD ENJOY THIS FREAKING DAY.

And as i said there's kpop, i'm a kpop fan my bestie too, one of our friend likes it but not so much and the other one don't know a lot about it.

When we arrived in front of all the kpop albums i was so happy and guess what i bOuGhT fOuR FuCkInG aLbUmS, now i'm poor but it worth it. I also bought 5 posters... BUT I WAS HAPPY NOTHING'S GONNA BREAK MY MOOD.
(If you want to know i bought one stray kids album, one ateez, one the rose and one day6 hehehe)

Also i didn't talk about it but one thing i absolutely love about JT, you can do free hugs to people you don't know and idk why but i love this. (One gurl said i was cute i freaked out).

It was a pretty messy story lmao. I'll do better next time i promise.
See ya :)

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