Chapter 5 : Cody?

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(Cody’s POV)

He came today! He must be so embarrassed about what happened… Maybe I will just give him time to cool down. I averted my gaze.

“Boss! What time is it?” I asked, trying to take my mind off of Kei.

“It’s about 10 to 8.” He glanced at the clock to confirm it and just nodded.

“So we have 10 minutes till opening… Let’s do this!” I went around placing sugar, salt and pepper on all the tables. Kei was placing menus on them quickly. 3… 2… 1… The doors opened.

“Welcome!” Kei was at the door greeting the breakfasters. He has gotten good, he must have been watching for a while. I watched as he slightly bowed and shook hands with the guests. He seemed so professional like this… it was really cute. But I swear I wasn’t blushing or anything.

(Kei’s POV)

OMG I am actually shaking hands with the customers… I am so nervous! I shook hands with a lot of them and showed them to their seats. A lot of them requested me back as soon as they were seated. I had a few nice conversations but there were times I was scared.

This guy I didn’t know grabbed my butt as I was serving his friend. I was so frightened I almost screamed but Cody came over and hit the guy on the head.

“Please don’t do that to the staff.” He said and walked off. The guy was just complaining to his friend… I could hear it.

“My god that ass was nice… too bad I was stopped by stingy over there.” I got worked up over that. I had to ask boss if I could take a break. In the back alley was a seat and a bit of rubbish. Of course the rubbish hid my secret stash.

I pulled out a bottle and drunk some. Just a little bit won’t hurt. I drunk some more. Well… I ended up drinking the whole bottle. When I got up to walk back in everything was tipsy. Cody came out to get me and I collapsed in his arms… AGAIN.

(Cody’s POV)

“Cody! Go get Kei, he has been on his break too long!” Boss called from the bar while 3 drunk girls were hanging off him.

“God it’s not even 10pm and all the girls are already drunk.” I mumbled to myself as I went through the back exit.

“Ke-“ I started to call when Kei fell onto me. This time I stayed up. I tapped his face a couple times but he wouldn’t wake up. I put him on my shoulders and told Boss that I’m taking him home.

On the way home Kei mumbled in his sleep a little. I wonder what he is dreaming about.

“Boss you are so mean, you don’t let people get close…” Kei mumbled, I started laughing. I wonder if what they say about sleep talkers is true.

“What about me, Kei?” he asked Kei’s unconsciousness.

“Cody? You’re nice… I really like you… Maybe we could…” his mumbling trailed off. Damn! I wanted to hear that.

I pulled up at my house and carried Kei inside. When I got inside Kei was semi-conscious.

“It’s hot!” he yelled taking off his shirt. At first I tried to stop him but he wasn’t listening. I couldn’t help but stare as he took off his shirt. His delicate skin untouched by others, the small ring of his belly button, his sort of defined abs and his small pecks. So close I could just reach out and touch it.

He started taking off his pants. Still… I couldn’t help but to stand there and watch, his slender legs that trailed all the way up to his briefs, those small feet. He looks so frail.

“Okay! Time for bed!” I yelled and clapped. If I didn’t stop this now I would never forgive myself.

“I don’t want to go to bed.” He yelled back and I just looked at him.

“Okay.” He agreed, pretty easily. I took him to my room and laid him down.

“Goodnight Kei.” I said and he kissed me again, but this time I returned his kiss. It was a passionate kiss… every moment it deepened until my knees almost gave way. How am I supposed to leave him alone now? Even then, I walked out and closed the door quietly.


(Kei’s POV)

I woke in Cody’s house… again… but this time I’m… NAKED?! WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?! I quickly got up and fell over. Damn! Where are my clothes! I stumbled to the foot of the bed and found a set of clothes put there. I’ll just wear these… even though they are way too big. I quickly jumped into the clothes left there and went out into the hall. I could smell something from the kitchen.

“Good morning snow white. Last night was fun huh?” He smiled at me and flipped pancakes.

“W-w-what? L-last night? W-what happened?” I asked, sure I was blushing. I sat at the table and tried to calm myself… but it really didn’t work.

“Haha, don’t worry… I am only teasing. We didn’t do anything.” He chuckled… His laugh was actually kind of cute… Wait what am I thinking? I hit my head into the table and then a plate slid under my nose.

“Eat up, you probably have a hangover.” As soon as he mentioned it I got a splitting headache. I quickly ate the food before me. Wait… I have been here all night?!

“Cody… Was I here ALL night?” I asked as he turned around. He was in a pink apron which said ‘Kiss the cook’ on it.

“Of course, I couldn’t let you go home drunk and you wouldn’t tell me where you lived so I just had you stay here.” He replied like it was only normal. Oh no! I quickly pulled out my phone… I hold it in a special pocket on the side of my briefs. There were no messages nor any missed calls.

What’s wrong Ray?

“I’m sorry Cody… I have to go…” I ran out the door without hearing his reply again.

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