Leg 2 - Pitstop

14 1 6

As Lachlan and Caitlin kept working on their build, Chris and Milan continuing the culinary adventure they are partaking in. And then Cal and Jamie and Luke and Ellen still working on the stall, It wasn't clear who was ahead. But what they did know, was that the previous teams weren't too far away.

As they began to pull into the long term car park, grabbing their bags and heading off to find the clue box. With Tina and Tenneal working with Jay and Kim. Much to the chagrin of Tina and Kim.

Kim: "So they seem to be getting along quite well."

Tina: "It's incredible, it's almost as if they want to work together in a race where only one team will win."

Kim: "As long as we aren't last and we don't get eliminated then I don't mind."

With the last 6 teams now heading up escalators or elevators to the top floor, racing and weaving through pedestrians to get to the box, pulling it out and ripping it open, keeping careful not too leave any mess.

Tina: "Come on let's ask around."

Alex: "Isn't that just down around the corner?"

Sprig: "Just uh, you know, announce it to the fucking world why don't you."

David: "Thanks Alex. Dick head."

Jane: "David shut up you did the same thing back in Egypt remember."

David: "I'm telling myself I can block out that memory, I don't want to think about it."

Jane: "I'm sure that's just your motto for life, you don't want to think about anything."

As they began their way down towards the determined location. Lachlan and Caitlin had made a lot of progress, just making it in time to finish as Tina and Tenneal ran down to greet them.

Lachlan: "Still think it was a good idea giving it to them?"

Caitlin: "You never know in this competition so yeah, did we tell them about how they have to use it this leg?"

Lachlan: "Yeah we did."

As the two finished up the stall, tightening the last screw, they called for attention as the owner walked up and began to test it, checking it out and making sure it was stable before he said it looked great, and handed over the clue. A sigh of exhaustion from Lachlan, who had completed most of the heavy lifting, and relief from Caitlin, knowing they were done with this one.

Caitlin: "OK, where too now?"

Lachlan: "Uh, Reading, Palace theater on foot, search the lobby for your next clue."

With no prior knowledge to where the theater was, They were effectively in the dark. Causing them to begin to ask for directions and if anyone knew where it was, Trying to be quick as Milan and Chris plated up the last meal, while Cal and Jamie finished their build as well.

Roisin: "Cheyenne do we want to build or cook?"

Cheyenne: "Cook, I wouldn't be able to reach that high without a step ladder."

Tina: "Tenneal what are you thinking?"

Tenneal: "Well we have to use the express pass this leg or we will get an hour penalty, I don't really want to go home so do we want to just skip this one?"

Tina: "It would be the safest thing to do, food takes a while and building, well we could handle it no problem but it will take time."

Tenneal: "Yeah let's just use it now. We are going to officially use the express pass to skip this challenge."

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