Leg 2 - Part 1

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Caitlin and Lachlan arrived on the mat first at 6:03 pm, and so will depart from Cairo Tower, 12 hours later, at 6:03 am.

Caitlin: "Last night, I talked to Lachlan at dinner and we discussed the presence of the other fast forward that we needed to give to another team."

Lachlan: "I originally wanted to fuck over a team and secure a win, a guaranteed win so that if it was the last challenge, A team would be forced to arrive at the mat with the pass and incur the hour penalty, but Caitlin is a nice person and hated the idea."

Caitlin: "I didn't hate the idea, I just thought it would be better used being given to a team closer to the back. Which would maybe get us some brownie points and help us out later. And with Tina and Tenneal having been in the back since we all left Brisbane, It was only fair we helped them maybe get to a lower number. There are only ten of us now. If we made a friend, then perhaps we could use it to our advantage together."

Lachlan: "I just like the idea of having someone behind us that we can beat in a foot race if push comes to shove."

Lachlan: "Holy crap finally a place I've been too."

Caitlin: "Where we going?"

Lachlan: "England, Isn't that where you and most of the other racers are from?"

Caitlin: "Yeah, Seems like when they cast us that they would have had to put England there somewhere, Give everyone an even playing field maybe?"

Lachlan: "Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Alright let's find an agency and get going."

Caitlin: "With everyone being on an even playing field, having at least one member in the team to have been tk the country before, I feel like this is going to be hard, or at least somewhat difficult. And all I can think is Fuck there goes our lead."

Caitlin: "So what city?"

Lachlan: "Not sure, when we get to Heathrow we need to find the vehicles marked with red and yellow flag in the window and drive there, there will be a map of the place we are headed."

Caitlin: "Smart."

As they rode the elevator down to the bottom floor, Chris and Dylan were just starting.

Chris: "Oh England, Ever been?"

Dylan: "Yeah a number of times actually."

Chris: "I've heard it's nice there."

Dylan: "It is, I'm sure you will love it. Even if you only get to see a small part of it as we drive past."

With the boys now hot on the first teams tail, More and more teams began to start, Opening the first clue and getting excited about either going home, or Visiting again. Though Kim was nervous.

Jay: "What makes you nervous?"

Kim: "I've never been, My son has but I didn't go with him. And you've been what? Once or twice? I'm hoping someone else has as big a disadvantage as what we do."

Jay: "I'm sure someone hasn't been, We are racing a bunch of the brits yeah, But we do have a few Yanks racing, surely some of them haven't been to the country."

With all teams now making thier way to the Airport, either Via a travel Agency or asking thier Taxi driver to head straight to Cairo International, They all wanted the fastest flight. And as teams began to arrive at the airport, they all raced to find a terminal, With Lachlan and Caitlin heading to the first one they see.

Caitlin: "HI, fastest flight to England please?"

With Chris and Dylan behind them, Cheyenne and Roisin in third, the two teams decided to find a second and third terminal, in order to get on the same flight.

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