The Starting Line

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(First off I need to say that the idea and Name that is The Amazing Race is not a Unique one, All rights go to CBS As they are the original license holders as well as where the idea was first broadcasted. This is a completely fictional idea and just me having fun and getting all giddy and stuff about doing something I would dream about.)

How it works

So for each challenge I came up with, Every time planes are added in, Even down to travelling. Each time there comes a chance for a random factor to be added I will have rolled a D20 for both team members if they are together, Or a D6 Twice for each character individually. The outcome that is shown in the story is the equivalent of the rolls. So if they rolled less than half of what it could be, So a 10 for the 20 or a 3 for the 6, It would be a bad roll. And vice versa for the good rolls. 20 being the best outcome and it does come a few times. But this is how I managed to recreate the randomness factor of the actual show.

Connor Gilbert: "The Amazing Race, An idea that started way back in 2001. Is one of the most ambitious reality shows in the world. Having 11 teams racing around the globe, completing challenges, and all vying for first place and to win 1 million dollars.

This time starting a little differently, My name is Connor Gilbert. And this is The Amazing Race.

11 Individuals are now making thier way via Speed Boat towards Surfers Paradise Beach here in Sunny Queensland, Australia. Where they will converge under the famous Surfers Paradise Arch over looking the beautiful Beach. Teams will start thier journey here, The starting mat as they race around the world for 1 million dollars.

They are...

Kaila - A Factory Floor Manager from Alabama, USA

Kaila: "My name is Kaila and I am 23 years old.

Being a floor Manager for a team in a factory is grueling, especially when most of your workers are taller and physically stronger than you are. But that hasn't stopped me from holding my own against the boys and showing that just cos I'm a girl, doesn't mean I can't look after myself.

I've thought about applying for the race a few times but when the guys at work caught wind of the idea, They began to drop subtle hints saying I wouldn't make it far, that I wouldn't last long... Basically I'm doing this out of spite and curiosity. I've always wanted to do this don't get me wrong but hearing the boys tell me I couldn't because I was weak, or because I was female, It just spurred me into action."

Callum - A Professional Amateur Boxer from London, England

Cal: "My name is Callum and I am 25 years old.

Only ever being able to Box at an Amateur level has really started to annoy me, I've been doing it for years and I never got the chance to really show how capable I was of going further. I started fighting differently, changing up my foot work and style before hearing about the Amazing race. Looking for individuals I thought great, Maybe this time I can show these people I'm worth the shot and I'm ready to knock over anyone in my way to the top... I want to win bad now.

Anyone who says they are just doing this for the experience or doing it for the traveling is kidding themselves. I'm hoping that even if I don't win, I'm still going to be able to go back home and start competing professionally in the ring."

Caitlin - A part time Speech Therapist and Part time Comedic Magician from Manchester, England

Caitlin: "My name is Caitlin and I am 23 years old.

In my line of work, I've luckily been able to blend my two jobs together. Even though I originally wanted to do magic shows as a way to help people smile and laugh, I learnt I wasn't very good so I made it a comedy show instead. When I'm working with kids especially, helping them sounding out certain words or letters, trying to get them to laugh and feel comfortable is everything. So I try as hard as I can to make sure they feel safe and easy while we work and it really does work wonders when helping them learn or re learn to talk again.

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