Chapter 2: A Whole New Life

Start from the beginning

Garfield was walking around and heard a girl's voice calling after someone. He walked closer and asked the girl "Who are you calling?". The girl turned around, surprised by the blond boy.

The beautiful girl grinned at him and handed him her hand. "No one... my name is Kory Anders, what is yours?" He smiled at her and replied to her question "Garfield Logan, but call me Gar".

The young Logan shook her hand and started to ask things like "where is the __ class" or "where is the secretariat". She answered his questions and leaded him to his locker before going away and talk to her friends.

Garfield was putting his things in his locker when a girl, just beside his locker, started to talk to him. "You are the new guy, right?".

The girl was wearing a purple hoodie and had purple and black hair. "Uh yeah?" He answered unsure. It sounded more like a question, but Rachel let it go.

"What's your name?"

"Garfield, but please call me Gar" he insisted.

"Well, Gar, do you know who I am?" Gar looked at her strangely.

"Umm no?" It sounded like a question again, but Rachel didn't care about it. Garfield was a bit scared 'Why am I suppose to know her?' He thought.

"That's a good thing for me... I am Rachel, Rachel Roth" she said. He smiled at her.

"What class do you have?" She asked him. "Hum Science with Mr. Bridges".

"Same, I'll show you the way"

She entered the class followed by Garfield and sat beside one of her only friends, Jason.

Since he couldn't sit by her side, Garfield started to look around for somewhere else to sit. "Hey new guy" Gar looked in the direction of the voice to see a tall and strong African American boy waving at him.

He walked to the boy and sat beside him. "I'm Victor, call me Vic" said the tall man.

"Garfield, but call me Gar"

"So, I saw you talking with Rachel Roth" He said looking at her and Jason. Garfield looked at them and then at Victor. "You've got a lot of chance man... there isn't a lot of people she talks to other than Jason and Dick... well, unless..." he started.

"Unless what?"

"Unless she's planning something bad for your arrival at J.C.H" Garfield quickly looked at her only to see her and Jason looking at him.

—At Lunch Time—

Rachel was eating alone, just like Dick Grayson. Jason had a family problem and went back home leaving her alone in the outside part of the cafeteria.

Kory was sitting on a bench with her older sister, Kora.

Garfield, him, was eating with Vic and his friends: Karen Beecher, Garth, Roy Harper, Wally West and Adam McKenzie.

Garth and Adam were arguing about who is the most sexiest one. Vic and Karen were talking about a movie and Roy and Wally were talking to Garfield.

"Who is she?" Gar asked Roy.

"Who?" Wally replied

"Rachel Roth" Garfield answered, looking at her.

"Rachel is feared by everyone here" Wally told Garfield while gesturing. "Why?"

"A lot of reasons and good ones" Roy answered. "Just try to avoid her... and NEVER mess with her" Wally whispered yelled to the blond boy, but loud enough to let his red haired friend hear him too.

—During Class—

Garfield was sitting next to Victor. "You should come to the match later" The tall man proposed his friend.

"There's a match today?"

"Yeah... you should come lil guy" the footballer mocked him.

"HEY" Victor laughed at Garfield's face. "When is the match?"

"This one is from 4 to 5 PM" He explained.

"Ok I'll come"

After the 3th period, Garfield called his adoptive parents to tell them he wasn't coming home before 6 o'clock. They were ok with it and Garfield went to his first Football match.

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