Prologue - Sacrifices In War

Start from the beginning



They ran off each in a different direction, within 2 minutes they were back, that worried me because of how little people there were alive. "Stand in the water. Jason, I don't give a dam about who your father is, just get in the gods dam water unless you want to die." He stepped in to the puddle with everyone else. I raised a wall of water around us and closed my eyes, focusing on the stables in the Argo II, because that would be the least full place. After a few seconds I opened my eyes and dropped the wall of water, evaporating it away, having a few drops fall on me for a bit more energy. "Please, stay here, if I don't see you again, tell everyone that I will miss them." I didn't give them any time to protest as I vapour-travelled (better for a single person) to where Thalia was still standing, fighting a hellhound. I used Riptide and slashed through a empousa that was trying to sneak up on my cousin. 30 seconds went past and suddenly Nico was standing by us.



We stood by each other, me in the centre, Nico to my left and Thalia to my right, I concentrated on creating a hurricane around me and I felt the familiar tug in my gut as water began spinning around me. I felt the winds become stronger and it became darker around us. It was harder to create an earthquake but I had a theory on how to make the ground shake, I furrowed my eyebrows in concentration before letting out a war cry, the ground began shaking, I squeezed my eyes shut and the shaking became more forceful, the sound of the rattling earth becoming louder with each second. Above the noise of the shaking earth, I could hear thunder rumbling. I opened my eyes and it was darker all around, I looked at my cousins, who were looking exhausted and nodded simply. We unleashed our powers with a war cry of the name of our fathers, "POSEIDON!" "HADES!" ZEUS!" The spiral of obsidian-black, sea-green and electric-blue was spinning in front of us, sparking with electricity, rushing with water and burning with hellfire. "FOR OLYMPUS!" We yelled in unison as the spiral exploded, rushing towards Gaea who had a look of pure fear on her face, her forest green eyes shining with fear. She screamed in agonising pain and I was overcome by blackness.



>Annabeth P.O.V<



I trusted that Percy knew what he was doing. When he left, Leo somehow got everyone to gather in the stables and he got a mist going. He threw 3 drachma into the mist, chanting "O' Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, do me a favour, show me the Little Big Three on the Battlefield." The picture that appeared was of my Seaweed Brain, Thalia and Nico standing together, facing a woman with forest green eyes and dirt brown skin. Her hair was a black like a burnt tree with leaf green highlights through it, adding to the 'Mother Earth' image. A hurricane surrounded the three, followed by strong winds blowing the monsters around and black hellfire burning the floor around the hurricane. I could hear the ground beginning to shake and I saw the monsters struggling to stay upright, lightning was flashing, thunder rumbling and it was dark, Nico seemed to be controlling the shadows.



They shouted the name of their parent, Percy shouted "POSEIDON!" He started glowing the same colour as his eyes, a bright shade of sea-green, he was soon followed by Nico, "HADES!" He began glowing with an obsidian-black aura, then finally Thalia, who yelled "ZEUS!" she glowed electric-blue like her eyes. A sea green beam with water spiralling around it came from Percy and merged with an obsidian-black beam with black fire and an electric-blue beam with electricity and lightning sparking off of it. They all yelled "FOR OLYMPUS!" And the power of the Big Three was unleashed. All of the monsters instantly disintegrated and there wasn't even and dust left over, the raw power hit Gaea who screamed in pain. The three fell to the floor one after the other and it didn't look like they were breathing anymore. A blinding light shone and the Iris message cut off abruptly. I screamed before beginning to cry, Hazel -who was next to me- turned to me, tears streaming down her face and she hugged me. Even though we hadn't known each other for long, we had bonded and we had both just lost someone, Hazel lost not only her half-brother, but also two of her cousins- one who just happened to be my boyfriend- died.



There was one question on my mind as I was mourning with my friends and family-

Did they know that the combination of their powers would kill them?




💀🌊⚡️Heeeeeeyyyyyyyy!!!! :D



💀🌊⚡️I finished this while watching/listening to Warriors spoofs (mainly by Mama Tad)! I'm weird. I was listening to spoofs with the songs 'White + Nerdy', 'Tacky', 'I'm on a Boat' and '*enter name here*'s Happy Song'... You know random schist.



💀🌊⚡️"I burnt my mouth on the jam."



💀🌊⚡️QOTC- Which book was the 'Dam Joke' referenced in -Heroes of Olympus- (for a dedication)? What statement caused Percy to remember the joke (for a follow, if I don't follow you already)?



💀🌊⚡️(That sounds awkward... I don't know how to put it without giving it away completely)






💀🌊⚡️Dreameh signing off! :D

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