Chapter 6: Finding Out Jade's Problem

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(POV - Summer)

Jade followed my lead as we both padded through into the bedroom I shared with Sophia. She was wearing the white blouse and check pattern skirt of her work uniform, meaning she had been at work for the day. Instead of talking she handed me an envelope and whispered to me "read it out to the others. Please."

I took the envelope off her as she sat and tucked herself into the side of Sophia, who wrapped her into a big hug. I opened it and took out a letter that was headed from the Department of Education Anchorage Field Office. I didn't want it to but I knew already what it meant. I read it out loud enough so that Sophia and Carnie both heard me.

"Dear Miss Jade Young.

"I am writing to you today with some disappointing news. It has come to our attention that your recent grades were not good enough to allow you to continue at Anchorage Senior Compulsory Academy. As a result you are to be removed from the school as an academic failure.

"You are hereby summoned to appear before the Board of Education on the afternoon of Monday at 1:00pm. You shall receive a Shame Punishment that will be decided by the board at your hearing.

"A legal representative has been appointed for you. You shall arrive at the hearing 1 hour before your hearing time to allow your legal representative to prepare you for your trial and punishment.

"You shall be issued all clothing at your hearing. As you are appearing before the Board you shall be expected to appear fully cuffed for your hearing. These will be applied by your legal representative.

"Your punishment shall start straight after your hearing. You shall be allowed 30 minutes with your family after your hearing before being taken for your punishment.

"The type and length of your punishment shall be decided and announced to you at the hearing. The length of your punishment shall be a minimum of 6 months. Extra time shall be added to your punishment for any marks against your record for behaviour or attendance issues.

"I hope this is the only time you shall appear before a hearing board."

I stopped there and looked straight at Jade, who had buried her face in Sophia's side trying to hide her tears. Carnie had snuck across the room and was giving her a big hug just like Sophia. I headed over and made the group hug a little bit bigger.

After a couple of minutes Sophia spoke softly saying, "We'll always love you and be here for you Jade. We won't abandon you and we'll come and see you as often as we can." The hug broke and we all sat on Sophia's bed chatting a little bit.

"So tomorrow we all go to Sophia and Summer's meeting, and then we all go to Jade's meeting with her legal person and stick around for as long as we can see you," Carnie suggested.

"That sounds good. What do you think Jade," I said in response.

"I'm going with mum and dad," she responded in her still soft and young sounding voice. "But you'll be able to meet us there." We all nodded and agreed to meet her before her hearing. We were all a bit shocked by the fact that she was getting kicked out of school and was going to a hearing tomorrow. But I was even more shocked at the fact that Carnie gave Jade, a girl she had just met and been told was being failed from school, a comforting hug.

Jade ran off and changed into her blue pyjamas ready for bed. She returned and hugged Sophia again asking her "Can I spend my last night of freedom with you, please?"

A tear welled in her eye as Sophia softly said back, "of course you can stay with me tonight, hun."

Just then mum came in and told us that the tea was served on the table and to come through and help ourselves.

I think I'm ending the chapter there. Sorry about that. I'm trying to work on the next scene to get another update soon. Again sorry about the ending to this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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