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I don't own Naruto! X'''O if i did though he would NOT be wearing that horrendous orange! (shivers) hope you like! mwa! ;D

Early Moday morning Naruko was getting ready for another day at school. She put on a black, skin-tight shirt with a red spiral on the chest, a black skirt that was 3 inches above her knees that looked like it was bleeding red from the top to the bottom with black leggings underneath, black boots, her black gloves with spikes on the knuckles and plates on the top of her hand for protection and to make it hurt more if she hit someone, and her black lace choker with a ruby on a small chain cradled in the crook of her neck, the lace had a fox pattern in it. She had no clue where, or who the necklace had come from. She had found it in a package on her doorstep on her birthday two years ago. Along with a note saying. I'm sorry I couldn't give this to you in person. I hope you like it. -your secret admirer. She did like it. She loved it in fact. She blushed when she remembered what the note said. Naruko put her long blonde hair into two long pigtails and let her side bangs cover the right side of her face like she always did to cover up the scar over her eye.

Naruko was 5-2 and was the tallest girl in her class. Also the best looking one. With her big blue eyes, long blonde hair, cute whisker marks on her cheeks, and her naturally perfect tan. She gathered the large amount of homework that she had finished in 15 minutes. After all, she wasn't the rookie of the year for nothing. Beating even Sasuke Uchiha, the last remaining Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno, who (had Naruko not gone to the ninja academy) would have been the smartest girl in her year. But, to their annnoyance, she was there. And she was better then them. They hated her for it. Not like she cared anyway. She had faced the hate of full grown ninja and villagers. Two arogant brats made no difference to her. Besides, it wasn't like she was going to give up the title. Being rookie of the year was her way of getting back at all those who had wronged her in the village. Well...that...and pranks. She grinned as she thought of the prank she had pulled last. She began to think of what kind of prank to pull next but decided to think about that later as she was already going to be late for school. It amused her, and angered her classmates (especially the aforementioned Uchiha and Haruno) about how even though she was always late, slept in class, and skipped alot, she was still the top student in her year. What could she say? She already knew all the lessons since she had to learn early how to take care of herself. The only reason she didn't graduate early was because of her two best friends. Kiba Inuzuka, his dog Akumaru, and Hinata Hyuuga. She still remembered the first time they had met five years ago.


It was a normal day in Konaha and Naruko Uzumaki was bored. She had finished her training for the day and had nothing to do. So she decided to visit old man hokage. She snuck into his office through the window so she wouldn't be seen and masked her chakra like the old man had taught her. She hid in the closet and giggled. She was gonna get him good this time. She heard voices outside the door and quieted as she realized that they were angry voices. Well, one angry voice and the hokage's calm, yet slightly annoyed voice. They were talking about...her...they didn't say her name exactly but with the way the villager's treated her, when people talked about a bakemono (monster) she knew that most all the time they were talking about her. She focused on what they were saying... "Hokage-sama! Why have you not gotten rid of that bakemono?! It is a threat to the whole village!" one of the voices said in a loud voice. She then heard the hokage's voice. "The demon is no threat to us. It is safely sealed inside Naruko, and has been since she was born. And the worst thing she would do to this village is pull a prank on those who have wronged her." Naruko's blood ran cold and she began to shake. 'what?' she thought. The other voice grew louder. "It is not human hokage-sama! It is the Kyuubi in human form!" 'huh?' she thought, and shook even more. "If it is human then how can you explain the rate at which it heals and how it is already at chuunin level in skills and knowlenge?!" the hokage spoke again. I believe the healing is apart of the seal. It allows her to heal with the rate that Kyuubi did. And as to her skills, I have been training her." the other voice was laced with surprise, anger, and utter disbelief, "WHAT?!! How could you train that THING hokage-sama?!!" that was it. She couldn't take anymore. She opened the closet and fell to her knees. "What?" she asked questioningly of the hokage. "Naruko!" The hokage exclaimed, surprised. The other man screamed hystarically, "You foul demon! What did you do to the hokage?!!!" and with blinding speed he pushed the hokage into the wall, took out a hidden kunai, and stabbed her in the eye with the kunai sideways sending chakra into the wound to make it hurt more.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2010 ⏰

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