Epilogue- Fearlessness

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(Hey guys, here is the epilogue finally! Im going to be honest, i got into a car accident January 7th and sustained a concussion. When i got into the accident i was working on a chapter in the backseat and i lost my passion for writing temporarily...but I am back! I am so sad this story is over but i promise this isnt the last of me! Im going to be working on Shatter Me and another one :) )

1 year later.

She was drifting in and out of sleep, not sure if what she felt was real or if she was still dreaming. It felt like someone had jumped onto the bed. but when the sound of babbling filled her ears, she realized this was indeed real.

"Go get momma" She could Elliots voice. Giggling, she rolled onto her back.

"Momma!!!" The toddler squealed

"Hey Baby girl, you are such a morning person. You obviously did not get that from me... what time is it?"

"7:15 babe. Mackayla got up at 7. Got her changed and threw her gently onto the bed so she could wake you up."

"Are the other kids up? or only our early bird?"

"Only her"

"All right, I'm going to jump in the shower. Can you get her ready to go?"


"Are you going to come to work with momma? Yeah." Olivia said as she looked at her baby girl. This past year had gone by way too fast for her. it seemed like just yesterday she heard her baby girls first cries and held her in her arms for the first time and now, Makayla was a happy, energetic toddler that Olivia had trouble keeping up with most days.

In the shower, she savored the hot water cascading down her body. her tight muscles relaxing under the hotness, she noticed the shower curtain open slightly and a pair of arms wrap around her.

"You know, I'm going to be late to work if you are in here" she whispered smiling up at him.

Elliot pulled her closer and whispered in her ear he nipped at it, "We can blame it on traffic," he chuckled lightly. Olivia smiled and turned around to look at him as she grabbed the washcloth with soap on it and started to wash his body. He closed his eyes and moaned softly as she washed him and peppered his chest and neck with kisses. "That feels so good Liv" he whispered as he leaned down to kiss her. Then, he grabbed the washcloth and returned the favor of washing her body. She bit her lip as he washed her then pulled him closer to her and whispered in his ear, "Make love to me, El." He smiled and kissed her as he grabbed her thighs, wrapping her body around his as he thrust into her slowly, savoring the moment. They stayed still for a moment so she could adjust to his size and when she ground her hips into him, he started thrusting into her, whispering words of affection into her ear. "I love you, El," she said as she felt her climax building. "I love you too, baby," he whispered back as he kissed her deeply and felt their climaxes take over their bodies. He held her securely in his arms as she calmed down from her climax and kissed her head softly (thank you DeannaJersey, go check out her stories, give her some love!)

After work, Olivia was sitting on the edge of the sandbox watching as Mackayla played with Kaiser and Jesse. Elliot had taken the other two over to the swings, letting the two women hang out.

"So, did you ever think you would be here?" Amanda softly asked.

Olivia smiled softly, about to answer when Mackayla started crying, rubbing at her eyes.

"Ok, sweetie" Olivia cooed. "Come here." Gently she picked her up, getting her in position to nurse as the little girl slowly drifted off to sleep. She wanted to breastfeed as long as she could, she wasn't going to wean her anytime soon. This was, after all, her last baby. But they did cut back, only nursing before naps and bedtime.

"Honestly, Amanda," Olivia started. "No, a lot of things have changed since Lewis." She smiled replaying the last few years in her mind. She unlatched Mackayla, laying her in the stroller that was parked next to her. "But in a way, I thank Lewis, if it wasn't for him my life would be totally diffrent....he gave me my family....my beautiful family..."

Her Greatest Salvation -Olivia BensonWhere stories live. Discover now