Please don't hurt us

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Olivia slowly opened her eyes, still groggy from the sedative she had been given by Lewis. She tried to move but her hands were tied with rope to a wooden beam.

The frantic screams of her baby filled her ears and she knew they were coming from inside the room. Her eyes scanned the room until she found her daughter's flailing her arms and legs in the corner of the room. This was the ultimate torture for her. She tried with everything she had to break free but nothing was working.

"Emma" Olivia voice came out hoarse, but she needed to get her baby to calm down. "Emma, please calm down sweetheart." She could hear Emma quiet down slightly to her voice so she kept talking. Telling her how much she had missed and loved her.

Emma loved hearing her mother's voice. She had missed that. The past week had been hell for her. She was lonely, scared, hungry. She hardly ever ate and if she did she had to eat fast otherwise it would be taken from her. She wanted the safety and security of her mother's arms.

Lewis came into the room. Laughing at the scene before him. A mother desperate to get to her child. The scene was rather funny to watch for him.

"Please, Lewis" Olivia pleaded. "Just let me go to her. She needs me."

"I think I'll have my fun with her first in front of you" he smiled as he walked over.

Before Olivia could even register what was going on the room was filled with the strangled, anguished cries of Emma. She didn't understand at first what had happened but then she saw the orange glow of the end of a cigarette in Lewis' hand. He had burned her daughter.

"Stop" she cried. She could not take it. "Please just let me go to her."

Without warning, Lewis raised his hand and slapped Emma across the face. A low menacing growl escaped from Olivia even catching herself off guard. "Get the fuck away from her" she screamed over Emma's screams. She struggled against the rope, feeling it dig into her wrists.

She watched, her eyes filled with horror as Lewis approached her. He flipped open A pocket knife and she feared the worst. He knelt beside her and gently ran the blade across her neck but didn't press as a warning.

"If you ever try to escape, that's what's going to happen to you and your daughter. But I will make you watch your daughter struggle for her last breathe after I slit her throat first. Do we understand each other?" Lewis whispered into her ear, low and menacing.

Olivia gulped, struggling to get words out. "Yes, we do."

"Good," he made a quick turn around and freed Olivia of her restraint. She quickly got up only to fall back down. She got up again only slower this time and ran over to Emma.

"Oh, sweet girl, mommas got you. Mommy's here," she whispered as she scooped Emma up into her arms covering her tiny cheeks in kisses as she sobbed. She didn't realize it would feel this good to have her baby back in her arms.

"Ok, family reunion done for now come on!" He grabbed Olivia arm roughly dragging her out down the hallway and out the door. The daylight blinding her as she stepped out from the darkness.

She was shoved into the back of a car, still clutching onto Emma scared of losing her. They drove for she didn't know how long into a forest. The car finally came to a stop and she was pulled out and shoved into what looked like a camper.

 The car finally came to a stop and she was pulled out and shoved into what looked like a camper

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It was very tiny and she prayed he was not staying with them.

"You girls get comfortable, I will be back. Make yourself at home." He slammed the door behind him and she could hear the sound of a few locks. Escaping was out of the question.

She sighed and sat down on one of the beds looking at the tiny camper. How was this livable? She slowly got up and laid Emma down on the bed before exploring. Everything was stocked including baby essentials.

Thank God she sighed. She had what she would need for Emma. Diapers, formula, a few toys. It was a start. She would need more things as Emma got older. However long they would be there.

Emma started to cry bringing Olivia out of her thoughts. "Hey, sweetie," she cooed as she picked the baby up. She climbed onto the farthest bed and pushed herself back allowing for Emma to have room to just lay on her chest. Watching as her tiny fist gripped onto her shirt, and soft whimpers escaped her lips. Olivia knew she had to have been in pain but there was nothing she could do.

"I'm so sorry Emmaline, I love you so much" Olivia cried. She hated that this was happening but at least Emma was safe, for the moment. Olivia didn't know she had fallen asleep. She had not slept in days but a harsh slam of a door woke her and she was thrown back into reality.

"Hello, sunshine" Lewis smiled. "I figured we would go over some ground rules."

Olivia didn't say anything but tightened her grip on Emma. Ready to strike back at the first sign of attack.

"Rule number one, you are not interfering with anything I do to the baby and to assure that you will be handcuffed to the cupboard so you can't help her."

"Rule number two, the baby, when you are asleep, will be left on the other bed for easy access. She may sleep on your chest but nowhere, where I can't access, is that understood?"

Olivia gulped but nodded.

"You will abide by any commands, take your beatings or anything else I have to offer. You will refer to me as "yes sir" from now on. In return, you can do whatever you want in here that doesn't involve contact with the outside world directly. There Is a tv in here and that's the only electronic device you are allowed to have. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," Olivia responded.

"Good, glad we understand each other. Now it's time to teach you a lesson."

Lewis quickly grabbed the baby and laid her on the other bed. Before taking his belt off. Olivia knew what was coming and she didn't even try to fight back at this point. She closed her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks as she felt him inside of her. As he violated her. She would count the seconds praying it was almost over or Emma would need her.

She felt like throwing up when he kissed her, still pumping inside of her. She didn't even know how long this had been going on for but he all the sudden stopped and got up, pulling his pants up but taking the belt completely out. Lewis went into a cupboard above the stove and grabbed a pair of handcuffs.

Olivia's eyes watered and she looked at her innocent baby, knowing what was going to happen. Lewis cuffed her to the bed and she turned away unable to watch.

She would get never get the sound of the belt whipping through the air or the gargled agonizing screams of Emma out of her mind. Or the sound it would make as it made contact with the fragile baby.

32 she counted. 32 whips. Lewis finally uncuffed her and Olivia realized he had undressed Emma, so she felt every impact. Lewis left and Olivia scooped the baby up trying her hardest to calm her down.

"Let's go give you a bath sweetheart, get you soaking in some warm water might help with the pain."

Olivia slowly ran the washcloth over the welts on Emma's back and chest as the baby laid in the water. Emma had stopped crying but would whimper every once in a while and make grabby hands towards Olivia.

After her bath, it was getting late. Almost 10 pm and they were both exhausted. She wrapped Emma in a blanket and made her a bottle, feeding the little girl in the comfort of her bed. She managed to get Emma to sleep and left her wrapped up on the other bed while she laid down on her bed. Asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Her Greatest Salvation -Olivia BensonWhere stories live. Discover now