By Your Side

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There wasn't anything Olivia could do. She sat back helplessly, watching every breath Jasper took. Him, looking even tinier in the huge hospital crib. She spent her time when she wasn't working, by Jasper's side, working on wedding details. All she needed really was a dress. It was going to be hard since she would be almost 7 months pregnant when the wedding would occur.

"Here Liv, "Finn's voice traveled into the room. She accepted the coffee, watching as he took a seat beside her.

"Thanks, Finn"

"Hows little man?"

"Getting better, they said he should wake up soon." She sighed. "I just want him back."

"You will. When was the last time you have been home?"

"Not since this had started, except to shower. Elliot brings Emma up to visit us and I go to work, but either than that I'm here."

"You have to take care of this baby too Liv."

"I know, I'm trying. But I can't just leave him alone Finn."

"Did you know Amanda had her baby?" Finn asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, she texted me earlier. I went and visited her and the baby for a few minutes."

"I can't believe Rollins has two kids, or that you have your little crew."

Olivia giggled. "Me either Finn. Emma is turning out to be an amazing little girl. Jasper is my rock, he's just this perfect little human being and this one well, let's just hope she isn't too stubborn."

"Liv, you do know she's half you, half stabler. She's going to be stubborn as hell baby girl."

"Lord help us all" Olivia smirked.

After Finn left, Olivia headed down to the cafeteria, needing to stretch her legs. She had been texting back and forth with Amanda all day, even after she had told the blonde to get some sleep.

She grabbed a bite to eat and headed up to the 4th-floor maternity wing, quietly entering the hospital room where Amanda was cradling her baby boy.

"Hey Liv"

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Sore, but alright."

Olivia took a seat in the chair next to the hospital bed.

"Have you thought of a name yet Amanda?"

"Kaiser Allen and don't ask me why" the blonde laughed. She looked back down to her baby before slowly offering him to Olivia. Slowly Olivia accepted him into her arms, leaning back as she talked to the newborn.

"Just think, few more months and this will be you," Amanda spoke

"Yeah, I can't wait. I'm actually excited this time around."

"I remember how you were with Jasper and I don't blame you Liv."

Returning back to the room, Olivia took a seat on the couch. Glancing up at the monitors that recorded everything about Jasper. His breathing, heart rate, blood pressure. Just about anything you could think of. She wanted more than anything to get him home, where he belonged. Even a week later, there still wasn't a diagnosis and that frustrated her.

But her baby was a fighter, he always had been since day one. He held on through the times he shouldn't have.

"Hey buddy, it's momma" Olivia spoke softly as she stroked his hand. "You gotta wake up, we all miss you. Especially, Emma, she keeps asking where her brother is and as for me. I just want you back. I love you so much. I know things were rocky at the beginning but, we have made it this far haven't we? Please sweetie, we all just want this nightmare over with."

She cried, letting out all the pent-up frustration that she held in. She had been trying to hold it in, in fear of hurting the baby inside of her.

The day rolled into the night. 2 am and she was drifting in and out of sleep. The monitors started going off on Jasper side and immediately she sprung awake. She didn't know what was happening, nurses surrounded jasper bed side as Olivia continued to sit on the couch, dumbfounded. Her heart beat furiously as she watched the nurses.

After a few minutes, things calmed down. One of the nurses turned to her, "come here, momma."

Olivia went and stood by the nurse that told her that Jasper was slowly waking up. She held her breathe. Watching as Jasper eyes slowly open,

"Hey buddy, mommas right here," Olivia whispered gently stroking his cheek. Jasper eyes darted to hers, fear evident. "I love you."

His heart rate returned to normal and most of the staff had cleared out of the room with only a couple of nurses lingering behind.

"We will see how he does with the vent overnight and maybe tomorrow we can remove it. For now, just keep him calm" the nurse smiled as she exited the room.

Olivia looked back down at her son, watching as he stared at her. "Hey, you gave us quite a scare little one. Everything is ok now, mommas not going to leave your side." Slowly she climbed into his bed, pulling him slightly against her.

"I'm right here baby, I'm right here....."

Her Greatest Salvation -Olivia BensonWhere stories live. Discover now