Intro Chapter 1

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"Are you ready?" Madison asked me as she handed me an eighth of dried up shrooms. I took em saying yes.

As i start to urwrap them from the bag sitting on Autumn leaves in a forest she says "are you mentally ready? you might have a loss of your ego" I glare at her straight into her hazel eyes, feeling offended I tell her "are you saying im full of myself? I know me more than anybody else. I know im ready" as i start eating them like crackers.

"Okay Eren im just looking out for you, sometimes people are afriad/hate their real self.." she said while grabbing her blonde wavy hair looking downwards towards a log.

So lets backtrack a little, my name is Eren Rivera, dark brown hair, with the darkest brown eyes I know, I dont sleep much I tend to almost constantly have bags but I dont think people find it unappealing.  Im a junior near my summer break heading towards my senior year.

I get through my classes and hang with my stoner friends after school on a usual daily basis, we usually just sit around outside talking about life and do something crazy and of course bring weed into the making.

One day at school my friend mikey asked me to come to his locker after school. I approached him, "he whats up mike?" "sup man, hey look I wanna talk about some crazy stuff tonight are you free to chill?" I gave him a fake thinking pose and said sure. "Great" as he looks at a fine chick muttering out a "damn girl show me the goodies".

I laughed at how corny he sounded, hes that type of person, the chick was judith just some random sexy preppy girl living life like its all just fun and games. i dont know why these kinda people bugged me, maybe i was jealous, or just mad cause  they never think the way i do about life.

as me and mike walk out the school we see a freight going towards his town so we sprint towards it getting ready to hop it, thats the thing about this crappy town there are trains EVERYWHERE. we both grab a side latter on the train, mikeys tall lanky john lennon self just looks so funny seeing him do just about anything except when it comes to rolling blunts/joints.

we sit inbetween the carts as the train goes towards his town, he asks me hows life? (god how i hate that ice breaker) i tell him about these two chicks i cant decide on who to date that are kinda digging me and tell him i probably wont get neither jokingly but serious deep down inside because i seem to get rejected alot.. i have a feeling its how i take so long to pursue them.

we hop off the train and walk the rest to his house. he opens the door and heads towards his basement and goes into his room with me following, we kick back with some jimi hendrix playing in the background and i show him some other trippy music i found, we sit around talking and he suddenly brings up what he wanted to talk about.

"so hey my two buddys madison and jessie want to do shrooms, do you think youd like to partake in this experience?"

"huh you know madison??? dude thats the chick i think is starting to dig me bro haha" I say. Mike smiles "awwwww shitttt bro, dude she was telling me how she was starting to dig this guy she started to get to know recently" my face brightens a bit and i hold back my feelings to maintain my manliness

"wow no way I never thought she did drugs like that" I say feeling kinda inexperienced.

"yeah man so are you in?"

"mm.. when?"

"soon maybe around october"

its near the end of septmeber.. I tell him i need time to think before I make my decision.

so later that night after smoking with him and i head home, drop my bag and quickly go to my room trying not to make convo with anyone in the house because im still high and dont want to get caught up like i did last summer with one of my best ex friends steve.

I lay on my bed and check my phone to see a friend request on Facebook, its Madison, my heart suddenly drops for a second, im a sucker in that kinda way honestly, sometimes im embarrassed on how i react to things. I add her and all we talked about was music for just a little bit till i brought up the shroom topic, she didn't get to reply that night, i felt rejected a bit, but i decide to send her a message saying "well, talk to me whenever:)"

The next day i get through my average day, hating almost everyone that isnt my friend, and just thinking about what the world thinks about life. Im a anti governemntal thinker, i feel like the most of us are brainwashed and are sheep to the media, so yeah i dont watch much t.v.

I get out of school and see that she messaged me saying sorry about last night that she had fell asleep (yeah ive heard that one before..) so on my way home I continue messaging her till out of knowhere stephanie jump scares me out of nowhere.

"HEY EREN!" She yells at me scaring me to death.

"yo whaddup lil niggy" (i swear she brings the weird out of me)

"nothin much just killin goombas(people) ya know the usual"

its so weird how fake ghetto we get especially coming from a emoish girl like her, her hair is short with red and black colors, always wears skinnies with a rock t-shirt with wristbands that cover her scars. I feel bad for her but i seem to make her day alot, im the type of person who will be by your side and help through your drama if i like you, but theirs an asshole side of me so dont think im too nice.

we made short convos on the way to our homes i give her a tight hug goodbye and finish off home and go to my room once again to message madison, we talk for a while and i start jumping the gun asking her to chill sometime so we can get to know each other in person and she agrees with me happily which is was not expected at all since ive only seen her in the hallways and a few times in the after school ceramics class.

The next day we decide to hang, it went smoothly, we walked around her area talking about our lives which i dont feel like sharing all the details, and hugged a little too much to be normal, i think shes starting to like me..

As the day becomes night i drop her off at her house and she says "well today was fun can i get a hug before you go?" she said with a smile. I smile back and give her a nice hug and it felt so warm and right, we part away she looks down smiling and starts to blush a little and quickly goes to hug me again hiding her blushing saying "wait one more please" I wanna laugh at how obvious she made it that she likes me.

later on afterwards i bring up the shroom  topic to her on facebook. "hey so this shroom thing.. mikey told me about what you guys are gonna do.. you really do shrooms oftenly?" i say.

"Umm ive done it only a few times but yeah thats the plan, are you planning to come with us?" she responded. i felt kinda bad saying "oftenly".

"uhmm yeah but i never did it before.. we should do it just me and you"

she agreed on my offer saying she'll take good care of me... man was i in for something.. this is were my life goes from a boring normal average person to twists and turns and a whole new understanding of myself..

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